Half-price round-trip tickets on major airlines in March

As far as calendars go, I tend to think of late February and early March as no man's land. We are past the excitement of the holidays. Those who celebrate Valentine's Day have long since finished eating their chocolate and staring at the flowers (while those who hate Valentine's Day still, well, hate it). Summer fun remains just out of reach. Honestly, the more I think about it, the more I realize that this is such a boring time for anyone who doesn’t have birthdays or anniversaries on their calendar. What's the best way to combat boredom? Book a trip of course! If you need further convincing, I'll tell you how to get half-off Qatar Airways tickets in March 2018. You read that right: half price. leave. airplane. Tickets.

Qatar Airways recently announced the launch of its “Amazing Experiences, Extraordinary Offers” promotion. According to the terms listed on the website, travelers who book tickets through the promotion before March 7, 2018 are eligible for round-trip travel priced as low as $564. Featured destinations include Muscat, Oman; Goa, India; Singapore; Nairobi, Kenya; and Dhaka, Bangladesh, but the airline's network includes more than 150 cities for you to explore. While some of these lesser-known locations are less common, you really can’t resist these limited-time price offers. If you've ever had the urge to go off the beaten path, now might be the time to give it a try. If you don’t seize the opportunity now, you won’t be able to use the excuse that tickets are expensive in the future! They have a half price deal right now, so now is a good time to take advantage.


Before you go all out and buy a ticket (which I totally encourage in this case), you should know that there are some restrictions on the sale. Unfortunately, this deal won't help you realize your vacation travel dreams. According to the terms and conditions on the Qatar Airways website, "promotional fares are not available for travel between 13 December 2018 and 13 January 2019", so don't expect any deals in the weeks surrounding Christmas and New Year. You also won't be able to take advantage of these deals indefinitely: To qualify for the promotion, your travel booked with the airline must be completed by February 20, 2019. Basically, you should use this opportunity to cram as many amazing experiences and extraordinary offers into the space of a year...excluding vacations, of course.

In addition to deep discounts on typically pricey flights, the sale also offers other travel perks and exclusive offers. Travelers who book before March 7, 2018 are eligible for a 15% discount at every Qatar Airways airport lounge (they look really good), as well as a 15% discount on Al Maha services (according to the website, the Service is a meet and greet service) - Welcome program designed to "ensure a comfortable and fast experience when arriving, departing or transferring at Hamad International Airport, Qatar's main air travel hub", 10% discount on car rentals and 10 perfect Luxury airport transfer service. Save money on actual airfare, and you can spend the rest of your travel budget on (discounted!) amenities that sound like they might actually make traveling to remote locations easier.

If you're interested in a reduced-price adventure like this, check out the Amazing Experiences, Extraordinary Offers landing page to get all the details and start the booking process. You can thank me later for curing your late February/early March blues. (And the price is reasonable!)