These 3 zodiac signs will thrive at speed dating events

If you're tired of mindlessly scrolling through dating apps, you might like the idea of ​​getting out and actually meeting people in the real world. Sure, you can stand at a bar or dance with friends, but what if you attend an event specifically for singles, like speed dating?

Speed ​​dating used to be one of the best ways to find love, and now it's officially back in style, especially if people aren't having much luck online. There are more than 81 million “speed dating” posts on TikTok, and monthly meetups are held in bars and hotels in many cities. It may seem a little daunting to cycle through a dozen mini-dates in one night, but certain zodiac signs should 100 percent give it a try.

Danny Santos, the astrologer and spiritual healer behind Santos & The Crystal Visions , says if you're an air sign or a water sign, there's a good chance you'll thrive in this type of activity. "Air signs are likely to be interested in speed dating because they act with curiosity and novelty," he tells Busy. After all, it's the perfect excuse to make sustained eye contact, joke around, and flirt face-to-face.

Some water signs are also open-minded enough to arrange a dozen random dates, Santos says, especially since many are keen on meeting their partners in unique ways. They won't say they met on Tinder, but just for the chance to say they met at a party and fell in love.

According to astrologers, here are the top three zodiac signs you should try speed dating.

Gemini (May 21 to June 20)

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According to Santos, the concept of speed dating was probably written by Gemini. This air sign is ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication, so they really enjoy taking turns with people. These events also happen to inspire Gemini's love of novelty and fun.

"Not only are Geminis the most likely sign to try speed dating, but they are also the most likely to know the event is happening," he says. "Since Geminis are always looking for new and exciting activities, speed dating is a no-brainer."

This chatty sign excels at quirky party events where they can show off their personality, and as big romantics, they're also willing to try anything to find their true love. In other words, they were more than happy to find love at the Hyatt Regency on Wednesday night.

Another benefit is that each appointment is only a few minutes long. While this would be a real nightmare for other signs - like Taurus, who prefer to indulge in luxury over a longer period of time - the speed of these dates is right up the alley of the resourceful Gemini. According to Santos, this sign thrives on conversation and chaos, and they never get bored.

Libra (September 23-October 22)

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Libra is another zodiac sign that will truly live their best life at a speed dating event. This air sign is ruled by Venus, the planet of love, so they can stay friendly, outgoing, and attentive during their three-minute date.

According to Santos, Libras have some interesting questions to ask anyone who happens to sit in front of them. "Because Libras are naturally sociable, they will likely be able to find a way to connect with everyone they meet," he says.

The other big attraction of Libra? These events tend to have fancier dress codes. They're usually held in hotels or trendy bars, which means everyone looks chic. This sign loves to observe everyone's discomfort while also rocking one of their own.

Santos says that as the most important factor, Libras have a good chance of being successful in speed dating. Because of their sparkling gold star personalities that exude the most romantic vibes, they'll leave with legions of admirers in need of a second date.

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

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Speed ​​dating isn't the most common way to meet someone, but that's exactly why Pisces loves it. Santos says that as water signs, they are open-minded, novelty-seeking, and constantly daydreaming about their next love match, so they become fascinated by the thought of walking into a room where they might meet their "love." one. "

"As the natural romantics of the zodiac, Pisces has an idealistic and approachable nature and, like Gemini, enjoys meeting new people from all walks of life," he says. They have the most positive outlook when they move chairs or move from table to table, and they give everyone a chance.

If by the end of the night they suddenly realize that they are not going to fall in love, they will still consider the event a success. According to Santos, Pisces will enjoy making new friends and other connections, so they don't leave feeling like the evening was a complete waste of time.

Instead, they'll leave the bar with five new friends and plan to meet for brunch.


Danny Santos, astrologer, psychotherapist