The 3 zodiac signs most likely to max out their credit cards

Some signs have a major skill in sticking to a budget. As much as they love their daily cup of gourmet coffee with a shot of espresso, or a new pair of Adidas Samba shoes in the trendiest color, they always find themselves saving money for a rainy day.

Meanwhile, other zodiac signs will be quick to whip out their credit cards — and many may end up in deep debt. According to astrology expert Evan Nathaniel Grim, the planets in someone's birth chart play an important role in how they spend and save, and that's especially true for their Venus sign. That's especially true.

"Venus is the planet of love, yes, but also of personal values, possessions and money," Grimm said. "Our Venus placement determines the material things or concepts we are attracted to or attached to." While some signs will spend a lot on travel, others will shop, splurge on food, or spend money on beauty treatments, thanks to their Venus constellation.

The planets and elements that govern the zodiac signs can also play a role. For example, signs ruled by Jupiter are more likely to exceed their credit limits. According to Grimm, Jupiter is a planet of abundance and excess, so these signs are likely to be abandoned with reckless abandon.

Here are the three zodiac signs most likely to max out their credit cards.

Leo (July 23-August 22)

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As a fire sign ruled by the Sun, Leo likes to live big. They rarely turn down a good time and always want the best. If a Leo wants to buy a plane ticket, they'll grab a first-class seat, and if they want to have dinner, they'll try the best restaurant in town. This is true both for people with Sun in Leo and people with Venus in Leo.

Many Leos have no limits when it comes to being kind to themselves, and can add up quickly. Leo won't be caught trimming his bangs or getting his nails done at home. Instead, they book several pricey beauty treatments each month, including eyelash fillers, haircuts and spa-like manicures.

Grim believes that this attitude towards money has a lot to do with Leo's self-obsession. They'll look for validation in the wrong places - including how they look and where they're seen - which he says can quickly spread into a habit of overspending.

Scorpio (October 23rd - November 21st)

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People with more Scorpios in their birth charts tend to have obsessive tendencies, and this is especially true when it comes to money, says Grimm.

If Scorpios apply their rigid thinking to saving, they can quickly become one of the most financially powerful signs. Unfortunately, it’s easy for them to make mistakes and max out their credit cards.

This water sign will often be illuminated by their computer screens late at night, filling up online shopping carts and spending money they may not have. Grimm says Scorpios value security, so they like to look for items that make them feel safe, like cozy sweaters and accessories.

Likewise, Scorpios rarely have the budget to get what they really crave at any given moment, which is why they also tend to spend a lot of money on food. If they want to treat themselves to having groceries delivered to their door, they will do it even if they already have groceries at home.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

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"Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, a planet of abundance and excess," says Grimm. It gives them a lot of energy, which is good for them to have fun and be creative, but it can also lead to overspending.

This fire sign often has a "act now, think later" mentality, which means they'll swipe to get whatever they want in the moment, regardless of their budget. They've been known to live off takeaways and 100% book expensive flights at the last minute.

Having financial security is not a priority for Sagittarius, as they prefer to enjoy life spontaneously and follow whatever sparks their interest, even if it means spending every last penny - or opening a new card .

"Sagittarius' boundless optimism often encourages unnecessary risk-taking," says Grimm. "Luckily for them, their open worldview often helps them find their way out of difficult situations."


Evan Nathaniel Grimm, Astrology Expert