7 Haunted Roads You Don’t Want to Drive

One of my biggest pet peeves is definitely a bad driver. Like...you see that little stick next to the steering wheel? That's the turn signal. Use it. But bad drivers pale in comparison to ghosts, possessed animals and faceless hitchhikers – which is what you might encounter if you drive along one of America’s most haunted roads Case. In these situations, people who refuse to signal you or follow you too closely just to be a jerk are the least of your worries.

While many of these stories could be considered urban legends, real-life accounts from living eyewitnesses lend more weight to tales of haunting ghosts and mysterious voices. You might think that only buildings are haunted – homes, churches, etc. But in reality, ghosts like to haunt anywhere. In fact, there's probably someone standing next to me right now. (Well, maybe not. But maybe? Who knows. It could happen, right?)

If you're planning a road trip and are feeling a little daring, buckle up and hit the trails of haunted, possessed, cursed, demonic horror. Just make sure to bring a change of underwear. If you don't have the guts and a road trip tries to take you down one of these roads, you're better off finding another route on Google Maps.

1. Archer Avenue

Archer Avenue is considered by many to be one of the most haunted places in all of Chicago. This stretch of road, particularly between St. James Sugg's Church and Resurrection Cemetery(eek), is said to be home to many restless souls. The road winds through lakes, forests and numerous cemeteries. Stories of ghostly horses crossing 95th and Keene Streets are well known, and St. James Sage is said to be haunted by monks.

But perhaps the scariest ghost story is the story of the Resurrection of Mary. Legend has it that one night Mary and her boyfriend went out dancing. They had a heated argument and she left, deciding to walk home despite the cold weather. Along Archer Avenue, she was hit by a driver who drove off, leaving her for dead. Her parents found her there and later buried her in Resurrection Cemetery.

Resurrection Mary sightings will keep you up at night. There are lots of stories about guys giving rides to her, blond and dressed in party clothes. She remained very quiet, but when they passed Resurrection Cemetery she asked to be out and disappeared into the cemetery.

2. Clinton Road

Continuing on the list of roads I will never drive on is Clinton Road in West Milford, New Jersey, which has no shortage of horror stories and makes me feel very uncomfortable right now. Ghost headlights are said to appear out of nowhere, follow drivers dangerously before disappearing into thin air. It's the story of an abandoned circus zoo that engages in crossbreeding, resulting in a possessed albino deer. Honestly, the average deer is weird enough at night. Now we need to avoid possessed albino deer?

Then there is Guitong Bridge. According to legend, a little boy drowned there several years ago. If you throw a coin on the bridge, he'll throw it back to you. And because Clinton Road wasn't petrified enough, there's this: It's said to be a popular spot for Satan worshippers (although whether this is actually the case has yet to be confirmed), and you can supposedly find the odd Halloween mask thrown in at random.

Thanks, but no.

3. Kelly Road

In Ohioville, Pennsylvania, a mile-long stretch of Kelly Road is said to be the site of extremely bizarre activity. Kelly Road is surrounded by dark, dense woods, which certainly doesn't make it any less creepy. It is said that when animals come to this land, they change from sweet and passive to evil and aggressive, violently chasing other animals and even humans. weird. I can't even look my dog ​​in the eye right now... Apparitions have been reported and unexplained noises have been allegedly heard.

The strange happenings on Kelly's Road have yet to be clearly explained, but many believe it is related to past cult activity and a curse that may have been placed on the land.

4. Scout Lane

Venture into Wisconsin and take a leisurely drive down Boy Scout Lane—no. Unpaved roads wind through dense woods. (The "horror index" has soared to 10.) According to legend, in the late 1950s or early 1960s, a troop of Boy Scouts entered the woods on a camping trip and never returned. There are several theories as to the cause of death. Some say they threw down their lanterns and started a forest fire that killed everyone. Others said they were lost and starved to death. (Kind of ironic for a Boy Scout, huh?) A third theory is that a crazy bus driver or Scout leader killed them all.

(Of course, there's no evidence that this actually happened; the land apparently once belonged to the Boy Scouts, but a camp was never planned or built there. The rest of the story is pretty much made up.)

But drivers traveling along Scout Lane reported hearing footsteps struggling to make their way through the woods and seeing red lights cutting through the woods. Could this be a sign that the ghosts of the boys are still out there, desperately trying to get out? who knows.

5. Dead Man’s Curve

Ohio is home to the "Death Curve," a deadly stretch of road sandwiched between two highways. The turn was so big that the highest crash rate ever found in a traffic safety study in the Akron metropolitan area, which, naturally, gave rise to a number of stories, including one that claimed a group of teenagers had an accident in the "Akron metropolitan area." A fatal accident occurred. Sixty seconds after impact at over 100 mph; witnesses claimed to have seen their car (as well as the one that hit it) floating in the air. There are also stories about a faceless hitchhiker (dear god), and the ghost of an old carriage that unfortunately fell off the Dead Man's Curve over 100 years ago.

takeout? Find a detour.

6. Route 2A

The story goes like this: On August 22, 1967, two 10-year-old girls died along Route 2A in Hinesville, Maine (as The Lineup points out, records do show that this happened). Legend has it that their mere innocent walking in the woods led to their immediate death. But at least one of the girls didn't quite "time travel," so to speak. Even today, drivers share stories of the ghost of a little girl walking along Route 2A, looking disoriented and confused. The little girl would climb into the car when people would stop and offer her a ride. But shortly after continuing on, she disappeared, next to the driver in the passenger seat.

Guys, didn't your parents tell you not to hitchhike?

7. Mona Lisa Avenue

Louisiana is rich in history and has no shortage of ghost stories, and this road is no exception. It is said that a wealthy philanthropist donated money to build a city park, but he had one condition: to build a statue to his recently deceased daughter Mona. A park was established and a statue erected; but unruly teenagers destroyed it during a nighttime visit. Since then, drivers traveling along Mona Lisa Boulevard have reported seeing Mona floating in the air, sometimes scratching at passenger windows and moaning.

Image: bertvthul , Unsplash /Pixabay