11 Books Every Solo Female Traveler Needs to Read

Some of the greatest stories of my life are my adventures as a solo female traveler. But sometimes, as a woman, especially as a Millennial woman, when you tell people you're about to hit the road alone, the response is often not encouraging: a warning to never go out after dark, and to always carry pepper Spray convenience; cautionary tales about young women who were last seen at a museum/beach/taco stand/disco and never heard from again—the list goes on. Of course, while there may be some truth to all of these stories (and of course, being a thoughtful woman is important), there are many better stories out there for solo female travelers. Take, for example, some of the stories in these wonderful books about women traveling alone; women who saw the world and had amazing adventures, who might have struggled a little (or a lot) but came home better, Be smarter.

Because for better or for worse, I have never regretted the journey I took alone. As a woman traveling alone, my courage has been tested, my assumptions proven wrong, my strength challenged, and my mind expanded. When no one I know is watching, I'm free to explore who I really am. I was allowed to make mistakes and only I could correct them. If you've ever traveled alone, you probably know exactly what I mean—and you'll love the books on this list about female travelers. Here are 11 books every single female traveler needs to read.

1. "Trajectory: One Woman's Solo Journey Across 1,700 Miles of the Australian Outback" by Robyn Davidson

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If you came away from Robin Davidson's book thinking: This is a great story, but there's no way I could have done this, you're not alone - I thought the same thing. "Trails: One Woman's Solo Trek 1,700 Miles Across the Australian Outback" is Davidson's account of her journey across the Australian desert to the continent's coast, dragging four camels and a dog. Along the way, she falls in love with a landscape that challenges her body, mind, and spirit more than anything she's ever experienced before, and she learns the depth of her own strength and courage—which is exactly what Something all solo female travelers should have. Even if you're skipping the Outback for now, you can have hope.

2. "Valley of Assassins: and Other Travels in Persia " by Freya Stark

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In our increasingly feminist age, it's easy to forget that women have been traveling alone for generations, long before gap years and the Peace Corps. Freya Stark was one such woman who traveled alone across what is now Iraq and Iran in the early 20th century. Traveling through a landscape that is generally considered horrific today, Stark brings to life the ancient history of the Middle East - kingdoms and mysticism, nomadic tribes and beautiful mountains and valleys, and yes, some of the tensions that may have always existed there .

3. House in the Sky by Amanda Lindhout

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As a teenager, Amanda Lindhout started saving every penny because she knew all she wanted to do was travel the world. She also traveled: backpacking through Latin America, Laos, Bangladesh, India, Sudan, Syria and Pakistan, then working as a television reporter in Afghanistan and Iraq. But during a trip to Somalia in 2008, she was kidnapped and held hostage for 460 days - converting to Islam, learning how to be a "wife" and risking her own escape in order to survive. Through it all, what kept her from a nervous breakdown during her captivity was her memory of all the places she had been before. Tense and suspenseful, House in the Sky tells the story of one of the worst things that can happen to female travelers and depicts the power that exists deep within all women.

4. "A Lonely Woman: Stories of a Globetrotting Journey," edited by Faith Conlon

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This collection of stories written by a solo female traveler is perfect to throw in your backpack before you head out into the world. Perfect for a short read or a one-off read (depending on what your travel plans allow) Lonely Women: Stories of Globetrotting is filled with stories of women who have been and done almost everywhere you can think of Thing is it doesn't have a travel companion. These stories of courage, enterprise, and transformation are sure to empower you on your own journey.

5. "Nomad: The Diary of Isabel Eberhard" by Isabel Eberhard

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Isabelle Eberhardt was born in 1877 and lived a short but adventurous life (she died at the age of 27). Moving from his home in Geneva, Switzerland, to Algeria, Eberhard spent almost his entire adult life traveling across North Africa and the Sahara Desert alone, dressed as a man. She didn't really fool anyone, though; despite being immersed in an Islamic culture that suppressed women, Eberhart smoked, drank, and freely expressed her sexuality. While hers is certainly not the first solo female traveler, hers may be one of the first books written by a woman on the road alone.

6. Adventure Heroines: A Global Search for Women Who Are Changing the World By Holly Morris

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Traveling alone isn't the only way to get your girl energized. While you're out there, you might as well connect with some brave fellow women—women who step outside the box, take risks, and make the world a better place for women everywhere. At least, that's what Holly Morris thinks. Now, traveling with a small TV crew and her mother isn't exactly traveling alone, but the women she meets along the way embody the spirit of being a woman making a mark on the world, so this one is totally worth it. A list – and worth reading.

7. A Handful of Honey by Anne Hawes

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Annie Hawes is on a mission to find an oasis town deep in the Sahara Desert. Sounds...simple enough? On a journey through Morocco and Algeria, Hawes's answer to everything seemed to be yes: Yes, I would eat that, go there, trust my instincts and the kindness of the people around me, and let myself be led to the journey The journey takes me to my destination. Spoiler alert: She eventually discovers her Sahara oasis; but in the process she discovers more about herself. The content of this book is lighthearted and funny.

8. "A Dream of a Thousand Lifetimes: Sojourn in Thailand " Karen Connelly

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If you've never heard of Denchai before reading this, don't worry, I haven't either. It turns out that this is a small farming community in northern Thailand where 17-year-old poet Karen Connelly lived for a year. Her poetic, diaristic account of her time there, from her love of Thai culture to all the lessons she learned about herself, is beautiful, charming and sometimes even a little funny.

9. "Four Corners: A Journey to the Heart of Papua New Guinea" by Kira Salak

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Not to discount all the other amazing games on this list, but Four Corners: Journey to the Heart of Papua New Guinea is the one that gave me the worst case of FOMO. I don’t know if it was Kira Salak’s nearly impossible journey through unspoilt jungle; or the diversity of tribal cultures and languages ​​Salak encountered; She started her journey, so the landscape she traveled may now have completely changed; or maybe Papua New Guinea feels so far away - but this book gave me a bad case of wanderlust. Maybe it's just Salak's great writing. You have to try it yourself.

10. Full Tilt: Cycling from Ireland to India by Dervla Murphy

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It may be hard to imagine now, but in the 1960s and 1970s, the Middle East was such a place. Known as the "Hippie Trail," this route passes through Europe, parts of the Middle East and Southeast Asia before reaching India or Nepal, and is used by people from all over the Western world. In 1963, Dervla Murphy got on her bicycle and started the trail herself. Murphy starts in Ireland and travels across Europe, passing through Iran, Afghanistan, the Himalayas and Pakistan before finally arriving in India. Yo. Fortunately, she kept a diary of her journey.

11. "Someone's Heart Is Burning" by Tanya Shaffer

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For better or for worse, Tanya Shaffer is a woman after my own heart (the first time I broke up with a boy using travel as an excuse was in 8th grade, and I've since broken up with a bunch of guys) — ahem , I mean ever since I have seen a lot of the world since then. ) was originally planning to go to Ghana, but Schaeffer stayed on the continent for a full year, volunteering as a volunteer while building schools and hospitals. The way she moved from one country to another. Throughout, Schaeffer is thoughtful and self-aware, writing with humor and honesty about the differences between North American and African cultures.

Image: averie woodard /Unsplash