I tried an astrology app that analyzes your dreams

If you've always felt like you could predict the upcoming full moon just by sensing vibrations in the air, you probably don't need the Moonly app, but you'll definitely still enjoy it.

Downloaded more than 6 million times, this health-meets-astrology app offers a range of healing practices based on the ebb and flow of the lunar calendar. Since each phase of the moon has unique energies, the idea is to track and guide your day accordingly.

Moonly offers rituals and practices to follow, such as tarot readings and morning affirmations, as well as personalized advice based on your birth chart, including whether you should cut your hair, make big decisions, or even go on a date on a given day .

To say this app has a lot of features is an understatement. It also features a library of guided meditations, a dream analyzer, and built-in articles you can read to brush up on your astrology knowledge, tarot skills, and more.

I've been taking this app apart for a week now, and I still feel like I discover something new every time I open it. Read on below for my honest review of Moonly, including my favorite features so far.

quick overview

  • Price: Free to download, monthly subscription $3.99, annual $29.99, birth chart $14.99
  • Best for: Creating daily wellness practices, tracking moon phases, meditating
  • My rating: 3.5/5
  • What we like: Stylish interface, dream analysis, tarot readings, lunar calendar
  • What we don’t like: Some features are only available on iOS, and many are locked until you pay

What to know about the Moonly app

The Moonly app helps you tune in to the monthly rhythms of the moon, which are said to affect how you feel.

For example, a new moon can be an energetic time, meaning you may want to manifest or set new goals, while a full moon brings a sense of determination and release. When you pay attention to the phases of the moon on a given day, you may be able to better coordinate your life.

There's also a "Practice" section in the app where you can flip through virtual tarot cards or reveal your daily runes. The idea is to ask a question to the tarot cards or runes and then analyze what they reveal.

From there, you can head to the Healing tab, where you'll find dozens of sound- and guided meditations. From the relaxing sounds of rain and crystal singing bowls, to green and white noise, and even meditation, it can help relieve anxiety, resolve trauma, and express gratitude.

The app also includes a "Wisdom" section filled with mini-articles on seemingly every topic in the world of holistic health, including aura cleansing, healing breathing and pranayama, full moon rituals, chakras, aromatherapy, and even lunar calendar-based gardening.

my experience

This app looks absolutely incredible at first glance. Despite its beautiful interface and mysterious graphics, it also has a ton of content. Thankfully, the moon phases are displayed at the top of the screen - above the clutter.

You can find the lunar forecast for the day ahead here. For example, on March 6, there is a waning moon in Sagittarius, which brings curiosity and a desire for excitement. Funnily enough, I was actually inspired to go to a comedy show with friends that night, even though it was a dark and rainy Wednesday.

On the other hand, we have a more low-key waning moon in Capricorn today, which might explain why I'm definitely here to stay.

Below the moon phase information are daily activities and personal sections based on your birth chart. To unlock this feature, I paid $14.99 and entered my birthday and place of birth into the app. Once I did this, I was given my natal chart and gained a wealth of knowledge about who I am based on the stars.

It turns out that my birthday is close to the full moon, which shows that I have the "Ming Yue" personality trait. If the Moon was fully illuminated when you were born, this may mean it had a stronger influence on your chart.

Since the moon represents emotions, it can also mean that you are sensitive and emotionally intelligent. If you're not feeling normal, this means aligning your practice with the moon can help you get back on track. I have tried many astrology apps but this was the first time I learned about the moon and how it affects my chart.

Paying for a birth chart also gives me access to personal daily tips, including whether now is a good time to cut my hair, go on a date, or make changes for my health. Today, my chart tells me that today is a good day to rest and enjoy some self-care, and that I should avoid doing anything beauty-related, so I'll take the hint and try not to trim my bangs.

While it's always nice to have some astrological guidance to get you through the day, one of my favorite parts of Moonly is the new Dream Analyzer feature.

Once you scroll through the moon phases, you'll eventually encounter an animated bunny named Moody, who manages a text box. You can enter your dream here and the AI ​​will process it instantly.

After having a particularly interesting dream that night, I woke up, immediately entered the details, and an explanation popped up that actually really gave me a clear picture of what was going on in my brain. It was like a little digital dream debriefing.

Other than that, I've been playing tarot, learning more about the runes, and reading my daily affirmations. My advice today is: “I no longer need to criticize myself” – always good advice.

Many features in Moonly are clickable, so you can tap the screen to learn more. For example, the Tarot section explains how to read Tarot in the three-card deck and explains what the Tarot is, its history, and the meaning of the Major and Minor Arcana, all using beautiful graphics.

Remember how I said Moonlight had a lot going on? We talked about runes, tarot cards, dream analysis, and phases of the moon, but I haven’t even touched on the Healing tab.

In fact, I found myself enjoying it because it has countless meditations with fun titles like "Comfort and Peace" and "Earth Kingdom Unity" that will hopefully help you connect with the planet.

Other options include sound healing and mantra chanting, shadow work, gong and flute instruments, yoga sounds for gratitude and self-love, nature sounds and more.

I play relaxing bird sounds in the morning, white noise when I need to focus, and soft rain sounds in the evening to create a cozy atmosphere.

I also like the verbally guided meditations, which are a little cheesy but have some helpful information like "Meet Your Inner Child" and "Clear Unconscious Patterns." One morning I was laying on my yoga mat and listened to a song called "The Gift of Now" and it really helped me feel more grounded.


Moonly's content is so rich that it feels like you can use it every day and you'll never run out of things to do. IMO, this is a good thing for an app that requires you to pay for many of its features.

To test the app, I spent the $3.99 monthly fee and $14.99 for the birth chart, but I feel like I got my money's worth.

After a week of trying it, I would say that if you are interested in all things esoteric, and especially if you want to learn more about tarot, the moon, and spells while also putting them into practice, Moonly is a great A very good astrology app and worth downloading. There's nothing better than starting your day with a few positive words.

Personally, I have always liked the moon phase calendar, it seems to accurately explain the energy of the day. I also love the Dream Analyzer, I find it both cute and helpful. For this reason alone, I'll keep Moonly on my phone.