My chakras are balanced and now I am calm

You know that feeling you get when you’re lying on a vibrating bed under a string of chakra lights on a Wednesday afternoon? Because it's the same. I recently realigned my chakras, balanced my energy, and achieved harmony with binaural beats—and I'm here to tell you, I've never been more relaxed.

My chakra balancing experience took place on the Sensory7 crystal bed at Modrn Sanctuary, a boutique health and beauty spa in Philadelphia. When I first heard about its rainbow-colored therapy, where you relax in bed under bright lights that match every chakra point in your body, I knew it was only a matter of time before I floated there, as if mesmerized by a siren A song of unique health experience.

Alexandra Janelli, clinical hypnotherapist, certified life coach and owner of Modrn Sanctuary, says the Sensory7 bed combines a variety of techniques and techniques into one ultra-relaxing session. It uses frequencies, binaural beats, vibration therapy, infrared heat, crystal therapy, aromatherapy and color therapy, all of which can unblock your chakras and reorganize your nervous brainwaves.

If there's something that promises to balance my energy or heal what's bothering me - whether it's my stress, anxiety, etc. - you can see me trying it. So, what does it feel like to have my chakras aligned? Keep scrolling to find out.

What is Chakra Balancing?

I'm not the only one interested in the idea of ​​balancing chakras. On TikTok, chakra cleaning videos have been viewed more than 1.6 billion times. There you'll find people offering mantras, sound baths, and other techniques for healing the root chakra or opening the throat chakra. To quickly summarize, you can think of chakras as energy points in the body, says holistic therapist and yoga instructor Arielle Pinkston. Each of the seven primary ones has a frequency and a color associated with it: Root (red), Sacrum (orange), Solar Plexus (yellow), Heart (green), Throat (blue), Third Eye ( purple) and crown (indigo).

In the name of health, you want all seven chakras to be aligned - but without proper care, they won't naturally align. "Chakras can be out of balance for a variety of reasons, including trauma, physical adjustment, not prioritizing self-care, and more," Pinkston told me. "It is believed that when your chakras are aligned, energy flows freely and you feel balanced, grounded and supported."

The right treatment depends on which chakra is imbalanced, but you can usually correct everything through self-care practices such as speaking your mind, journaling, going to therapy, or getting a chakra balancing treatment at your nearest wellness healing space.

first impression

Sensory7 Crystal Lamp Bed from Modern Sanctuary.

Like anyone with anxiety, my first instinct when trying a new health regimen is to worry about “getting it right.” But according to Gianelli, there are no tasks to be accomplished during your chakra healing session other than to relax and enjoy the experience. In other words, the bed, headphones, and lights do all the work for you. To make the most of it, you can choose to set an intention for what you want to let go of or accept, but you can also take a nap.


To soak in it all, I leaned back on the bed, aligned myself beneath an array of chakra lamps, and put on the headphones Modrn Sanctuary provided me for healing. Gianelli's voice then guides me into a meditative state, and the relaxing sound of rain begins to play along with a steady, pulsating binaural beat. This is a combination of two different frequencies (one for each ear) used in music therapy to help reduce anxiety and reduce pain. As a big fan of white noise and rainy soundtracks, I've certainly listened to my fair share of oceanic spa music, but what really struck me - besides the glowing orbs inches above my face - was the way the beat Matching the vibrations going on in the bed below me.

As I listened to soft background music, the bed rocked gently like a massage chair, moving from my head, or crown chakra, down to my butt, or root chakra. I also found myself lying on amethyst and black tourmaline gemstones, which are said to help create electric fields to increase your energy and reduce pain - something I totally appreciate but don't necessarily notice at the moment.

My view from the Sensory7 crystal bed.

Meanwhile, above, seven chakra lamps are at work. "The reason we use specific colors is to allow the chakras to respond to the corresponding light and rebuild into a healthy system," Gianelli explains. "The Crystal Bed focuses on the first seven: Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third Eye, and Crown."

Needless to say: I am totally immersed in all the amazing wellness modalities that can fit into a small treatment room. During the 45-minute session, I casually danced to binaural beats while imagining all of my cells and meridians returning to alignment. The goal was to enter a deep meditative state - and after taking a few photos, I did exactly that.


When I took off my headphones and emerged from my stupor, I noticed an unfamiliar sense of calm spreading throughout my body. Janelli encouraged me to drink some water and process my experience in another room, and then I went out to see the world with my newly aligned chakras.

I floated out of the building and down the sidewalk with joy and goodwill for all humanity. Well, not really – but I did feel a carefree calm that I hadn’t felt in years. My blissful good mood continued into the evening and I found myself reading more about chakras and energy with a cup of tea. I feel coordinated and balanced—but most importantly, relaxed.

Research references:

Fearnrose, L. (2008). Improving quality of life using complex mind-body therapies: Evaluating a course intervention with body movement and breath therapy, guided imagery, chakra experiences, and mindfulness meditation. Quality Living Research Center. doi:10.1007/s11136-008-9321-x.

Garcia-Aguibe, M. (2019). Efficacy of binaural auditory beats on cognition, anxiety, and pain perception: A meta-analysis. psychological research. DOI: 10.1007/s00426-018-1066-8.


Alexandra Janelli, clinical hypnotherapist, certified life coach, owner of Modrn Sanctuary

Arielle Pinkston, LMFT, Holistic Therapist, Yoga Instructor