What is AI ethics?

This article provides a definition of AI ethics and some examples. Essentially, they are self-imposed rules in the field of AI designed to ensure that AI technology does not go down the wrong path.

AI ethics aims to ensure that AI programs behave legally and ethically. For example, developers might want to ensure that their software treats users fairly when chatting with them, doesn't use content they don't have permission to use, and can't be weaponized by people who want to cause harm.

As artificial intelligence becomes more prevalent in web clients, search engines, and social media, laws and regulations may mandate some version of ethics. Currently, however, they are largely self-imposed by scientists, developers, and companies in the AI ​​field.

Today, some big brands have entire teams dedicated to developing ethical AI policies, practices, and ethics. Many people are understandably wary, even fearful, of artificial intelligence, so establishing ethics to determine what artificial intelligence should and should not do is important to many different people.

There is no set of AI ethics that everyone follows, and some people or companies may not necessarily follow AI ethics. This setup is similar to how food companies often have different standards for the ethical raising and treatment of animals.

One AI ethics might be to respect the work of the creator. This rule could mean giving credit to human work that might have been used to train a particular AI, and providing fair compensation to creators whose work was used by the AI ​​to create something else.

Another example of AI ethics might be avoiding bias. For example, chatbots like ChatGPT do not express discriminatory or prejudiced thoughts. It could also mean that the AI ​​will only answer questions by referencing actual data.

Many science fiction novels, TV series, and movies tell stories of unfettered and unregulated AI running amok, and this worst-case scenario is exactly what AI ethics aims to help us avoid.

For example, AI may be able to explain how to build a bomb, but providing that information may not lead to good results. Morality would constrain it from issuing specific instructions.

Therefore, AI ethics sets out guidelines that developers can follow when developing AI technology. The ethics might be to do no harm, so the chatbot might be restricted from saying certain things, providing certain information, or using certain languages.

Censorship isn’t particularly popular, but in reality, AI without any built-in safeguards or limitations can do a lot of harm. Therefore, AI ethics is very important, especially as AI technology becomes more advanced and more people use it.

AI ethics have few legal protections, and there is no specific set of AI ethics that everyone agrees on. So, in many ways, you don't necessarily need to adhere to AI ethics.

Chatbots like FreedomGPT aim to provide uncensored versions of services like ChatGPT. For some people, ChatGPT is too restrictive in what it does or doesn't allow you to do. For others, services like FreedomGPT can be used by bad actors for nefarious purposes.

However, depending on the context you are discussing, there are some popular guides such as the Belmont Report. The document proposes a set of ethics to guide AI research and algorithm development, such as respect for people, kindness and justice.

OpenAI's charter is a set of ethics for artificial intelligence that includes principles such as broadly distributed beliefs, long-term safety, technical leadership, and a collaborative orientation. Following these guidelines, developers at OpenAI developed the popular ChatGPT AI chatbot.