Let’s face it: the comments section is the best part of TikTok

Every social media platform has its own unique features. While my Big Three happen to be TikTok Sun, Instagram Moon, and Pinterest Rising, even the most "offline" people can find their community on the platform, thanks to the handy-dandy (and mysterious) algorithm. What’s another thing that makes each platform unique? Comment section. While this is not a competition, I have reason to believe that the TikTok comments section is one of the best.

To understand my love for TikTok comments, it’s important to distinguish why it feels so different from other comments. On Facebook, comments are often filled with baby boomers who forget they’re not sending a direct message…sorry, not sorry . Instagram is on the other end of the spectrum, with either spam bots asking "do you want to collaborate" or your friends hyping up your latest selfie when they're actually just helping you choose in a group chat five minutes before you post it? . Twitter comments are full replies, so the interface isn't designed for easy scrolling. And, frankly, in the year of our Lord 2023, are we really still reading YouTube comments?

However, I think TikTok is where the comments section really thrives. In fact, the number of times I've probably rewarded someone a few pennies through the Creator Fund for having their video play over and over while browsing the comments is probably pretty impressive. You're welcome to join these guys, but I digress.

I will stick with my love for TikTok comments for a few reasons. names not listed in order:

  1. It’s easier to “go viral” with TikTok comments
  2. Users can reply to your comment with a brand new video
  3. "Comments make the algorithm bring me back" is totally a thing (either that or that's how it works at work)
  4. If OP gated where they got their gear, some of the detectives in the comments would "definitely" figure it out and let everyone know.
  5. When they are healthy, they are very healthy

None of this is backed by extensive research, unless the number of TikToks I send to friends in a week counts in peer-reviewed journals. That being said, I wouldn't have made such a bold statement in the comments section of the clock app if I didn't have some receipts.

When it comes to going viral on TikTok, you can always try using a hashtag or trending sound like #fyp and see if your video appears on the right side of the "Recommended for You" page... Alternatively, you can Post comments directly on things that resonate with other users. Back in September 2020, I commented on a sweet video of a neighbor playing guitar outside her window saying, "This feels like the prelude to a wholesome coming-of-age movie." The comment received over 28,000 likes as of 2023 I 'm still harvesting what's left in April. Many things in life are fleeting, but a well-received TikTok comment is timeless.

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve followed some stranger’s gossip because someone wrote “Part 2, please” and the creator responded with another video. This is probably as many times as I've quickly shut down TikTok because some beautiful soul finally told us where to buy the perfectly fitting jeans that a user is wearing in GRWM. Most importantly, though, the TikTok comments section sometimes reminds me of the best in humanity.

The way people praise an artist's work reminds me to appreciate the beauty in everything. Sometimes the comments section shares words of encouragement for users who feel the need to tell the internet what they're going through - which makes me smile in reality. Most of the time, though, just seeing comments about people laughing together in the same video makes it feel like we're all telling the same inside joke. The feeling is enough to keep scrolling for a few minutes...or hours.