Three zodiac signs will face challenges during the December new moon

The last new moon of the year is officially here! Despite a little cosmic chaos happening around the same time (looking at you, Mercury retrograde), the December New Moon - will occur on December 12, 2023 at 6:32 AM ET (3:32 AM PT ) arrival - is bringing us all hope for the new year. Those most affected by the December New Moon will have to endure some challenges first.

In astrology, the new moon is a harbinger of change and new beginnings—think: planning for the month ahead or trying a new self-care routine.

This new moon rises in happy Sagittarius, giving us an extra dose of optimism as we look toward 2024. This is especially true for certain zodiac signs, who will experience December's new moon as a lesson in staying resilient and seeking deeper truths, whether it's their relationships or plans to spend the year exploring new places (you Well, backpacking in Europe!).

"Sagittarius has a wonderful way of looking at the big picture, and this new moon can open up the path you've been looking for and bring you closer to your dreams," says astrologer Ryan Marquardt. "This new moon is also a time to keep an open mind, because you can always learn more."

Read on to find out if you're one of the few zodiac signs most affected by the new moon on December 12, and if so, how to find a silver lining in the coming weeks.

Gemini horoscope (May 21 to June 20)

Gemini, be careful about comparison complex. This new moon seems to bring opportunities to those around you, which may leave you feeling left out of all the blessings. "Gemini should avoid self-loathing and instead find ways to bring joy to those around them," Marquardt says. Yes, it’s easier said than done – but at the same time, this new moon is also a great time to reflect on the past year’s accomplishments. Allow yourself to celebrate these wins.

Sagittarius horoscope (November 22 to December 21)

Sagittarius, your season is the only reason all eyes are on you right now, even though it may not be the attention you want. This new moon may exacerbate insecurities or past hurts, and you may feel the need to prove yourself to others. "Sagittarius should be confident in presenting themselves, but they don't need to appear nice or forcefully appear inauthentic," says Marquardt. Most importantly, stay true to yourself, superstar!

Pisces horoscope (February 19 to March 20)

This intense new moon demands so much of your attention, Pisces. You may feel pressure to deviate from routines and values, which may make you feel dizzy. Getting lost in your own thoughts is a key trait of yours, "but this can set in motion some unwanted new beginnings and create a path that is deceptive rather than beneficial," says Marquardt. It’s okay not to have a million things happen – choose short-term happiness instead.


Ryan Marquardt, astrologer and co-founder CEO of astrology guide Bizmos