Rihanna-Approved Health Secrets Tinx Swears By

In Chill Chat, Bustle sits down with celebs to discuss all things wellness, from their favorite skincare products to tips for a good night's sleep . Here, Tinx shares her morning routine, go-to smoothie mix, and the one workout she'll never do again.

Christina Najjar, better known as Tinx, is known as the internet’s big sister on TikTok. The influencer launched the content in 2020, and since then she's been sharing her thoughts and advice with her 1.5 million followers in FaceTime-like videos.

Whether she's talking about hangovers, dates, or her love for towel time, Tinks, 33, always finds a way to draw the line between an average girl and that girl. One minute she was flying to Paris to attend Fashion Week; Next she pops her pimples or lies down in her pajamas with her legs against the wall.

When we talk over Zoom about her self-care routine, the vibe is the same. Tinx is certainly an influencer—she just teamed up with Sakara to create an exclusive meal featuring her Tabasco Green Jalapeño Sauce. But she also had trouble drinking enough water and exercising consistently.

Below, Tinx chats with Bustle about her famous "Rich Mom Walk," how she deals with stress, and the four things she must do every day.


Walk with me through your morning routine.

I try to get up around six o'clock because I believe the morning is the day. This was a quiet period before the rest of the world rose up.

I would feed my cat, dry my brush, listen to positive affirmations, and then I would try journaling. I’m not going to say I’m going to drink hot water with lemon next, I promise. It's an ideal morning, but it definitely doesn't happen every day.

I actually need to focus on coffee, and if I'm doing [a] Sakara [meal plan], I'll also have their almond milk cereal. Then I have to go for a walk, even if it’s just five minutes.

What’s your favorite workout right now?

It’s hard to find time to exercise when traveling, but I always go for a walk. I call it rich mom walking with my followers - it's our joke. I always try to get 10,000 steps a day, especially outdoors.

When I have more time, I love going to Hot Pilates in Los Angeles. I also like Forma Pilates, Pvolve and The Sculpt Society. However, I really want to be a yoga enthusiast. My annual New Year's resolution for the past five years has been to attend yoga, but it hasn't stuck to me. This may be because I prefer exercising to fun music.

What’s the one exercise you’ll never do again?

I really just don’t like running. It's stressful and overwhelming, and it doesn't make me feel good.

For me, exercise has to be low impact. I'm not a jumper or a hard worker. I like tenderness. There's a lot of research that shows lower impact is actually better for female hormones, especially when you're stressed, and I believe that.

What toppings need to go on your salad?

I need something crunchy and I need something softer, whether it's super crunchy carrots, nuts or croutons. Obviously this is a stunning outfit.

How do you drink your smoothie?

The other day, I read the book Body Love by Kelly Lerwick. She says there are "four ingredients" you need to have in a smoothie: fat, fiber, protein and greens. I use it all the time as a framework to help me create balanced recipes. I always put chia seeds in it too.

What TikTok trends are you loving lately?

I really miss dancing on TikTok. When we keep thinking about a song, it feels like we are more united.

"I'm not going to say I'm going to drink hot water with lemon next, I promise."

How do you deal with stress and burnout?

I stick to four things every day: I must take a walk every day, read for at least 20 minutes, drink water, and meet friends. These things keep me grounded. Whether I'm chatting with friends over FaceTime, text, or over coffee or dinner, this keeps me satisfied.

How do you stay hydrated?

I always think of an interview Rihanna gave years ago where she said, "Honestly, whenever I'm in a bad mood or I feel ugly or something, I drink a big glass of water and I always feel better ” This is really deeply imprinted in my mind. Whenever I think, "Oh my God. I feel bad," I'm like, "Rihanna would say drink a glass of water."

I have what I call an emotional support water bottle that I always carry with me. I feel like if you like your water bottle, you're more likely to drink water. I have an array: Stanley, Bkr and Simple Modern.

How do you like to spend your days off?

I grew up in London where it rains 365 days a year, so I took full advantage of having a beach 40 minutes from where I live now. It’s a millennial Instagram infographic, but here’s the quote: “Salt water is always the answer—sweat, tears, or a dip in the ocean.” If you’re feeling depressed, you should exercise, cry, or go to the beach. Between those three things, you'll be sorted. It's cheesy, but it's true.

This interview has been edited and condensed for clarity .