3 constellations that always stick to themselves

Standing up for yourself is easier said than done. It takes a lot of courage to point out when someone offends you or doesn't take you seriously, whether at work, in public, or in a friendship. But for some signs, standing up for yourself is second nature.

This is also an important priority. While many signs are laid back and undisturbed by nature, others are quick to declare when they feel they've been wronged. According to astrologer Stina Garbis, the signs most likely to stand their ground tend to be battle-ready ruling planets, such as Mars or Saturn.

With this confident energy coursing through their veins, people of these signs are always going to have difficult conversations about boundaries and feelings. Standing up for yourself does require a little confrontation, but it's easy for them.

The elements of their horoscope also prompt their reactions. While an air sign might easily accept that they ordered the wrong dish at a restaurant and happily eat pizza when they actually wanted fries, a fire sign is more likely to send the order right back. They're not rude about it, but they don't pretend to be okay with it either.

Read on below to learn about three zodiac signs that astrologers say always stand up for themselves.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

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As the first zodiac sign of the year, Aries is full of energy. They dive headfirst into things, including stepping up when needed. For example, if a friend says something that makes them uncomfortable, they will point it out right away and ask what they meant. Aries prefers to resolve conflicts between friends as quickly as possible so that everyone can move on.

They also defend themselves when people talk about them at work. Instead of daydreaming about what to say to John in accounting, they just say it. "Aries is ruled by Mars, so they don't back down from anything," Garbis says. “When faced with opposition, they always speak their mind.”

Fire signs will also lend a helping hand when they see something unfair happening to others. Their eyes are constantly scanning the horizon for small injustices, whether it's a co-worker eating someone else's food in a communal kitchen or someone cutting in line at the grocery store. When they see a problem, they are the first to point it out.

Scorpio (October 23rd - November 21st)

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"Scorpio, ruled by Pluto and ancient Mars, is another sign that won't be stepped on or pushed down," says Garbis. Plus they're represented by the scorpion, which means this sign isn't afraid to use its proverbial sting when necessary. According to Gabis, there's nothing more exciting than a Scorpio comeback.

This water sign is also known for being in touch with their emotions, so they have a highly accurate sense of how they're feeling in every interaction. If they sense someone is rude or disrespectful, they won't be able to catch a break until they arrange to sit down, talk, and share their thoughts.

Scorpios also value trust above all else, which is why they are very open and honest about their feelings in relationships. They are always willing to talk about their needs and are quick to point out when someone crosses a boundary.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

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"Capricorns are natural leaders," says Garbis, and this is on full display when they stand up for themselves at work. If someone steps on their toes or talks over them in a meeting, they calmly point it out and correct the problem.

“They’re good at standing up for themselves and standing up for the little guy,” she added. This is all thanks to their practical earth sign energy, and their ruler Saturn. Garbis said that in Roman mythology, Saturn defended his mother's honor, and Capricorn brought the same strength to their daily lives.

Capricorns also excel when having difficult conversations, always remaining calm. They expertly break down the problem and then lay down some ground rules so it doesn't happen again.


Stina Garbis, astrologer