All the benefits of collagen for skin, and how to support its growth

Collagen is one of the hottest terms in the skin care world. After all, it is the cornerstone of your complexion. While collagen has many benefits for your skin, including anti-aging properties, it helps to understand how the ingredient works so you can effectively incorporate it into your beauty routine.

"Collagen is a large protein found in different systems [in the body], including bones, skin, hair, nails, cartilage and joints," says Dr. Daniel Sugai, MD, of Seattle. Dermatologist. He explains that, essentially, collagen is the glue that holds the dermis, also known as the second layer of skin, together.

When you're young, your skin contains high levels of collagen, which contributes to a youthful appearance, Sugai says. But as you age, your collagen levels start to decrease over the years (simply due to aging) and an enzyme called collagenase starts to break down the natural collagen stores in your skin for a variety of reasons, such as excessive alcohol consumption, pollution exposure Or sun exposure, which can cause damage — which can lead to wrinkling and sagging, he told Bustle.

Enter: Incorporate collagen into your supplement rotation, diet, or beauty routine. And, since collagen is made up of fibrous protein that supports the body's connective tissue, doing this can also benefit your bones and joints (if you take it instead of applying something topically).

From topical serums to smoothie powders, there are ways to boost collagen levels for ultimate skin health—here's everything you need to know.

Collagen Benefits for Skin

According to Sugai, collagen has anti-aging benefits because the accumulation of protein tightens the skin. "When you don't have collagen, your skin sag and there's less structural support — things just fall out," he says. The more collagen you have in your body, the healthier and tighter your skin will be.

Similar to the effect that collagen has on skin strength and firmness, so too is its effect on skin tone elasticity. Because increasing and supporting your collagen levels means you get more structural support through the protein, research shows it can also improve your skin's elasticity - meaning it's more able to bounce back when moved or stretched.

Another way collagen benefits skin? According to Dr. Orit Markowitz, board-certified dermatologist and founder of OptiSkin, it improves the skin's ability to recover from trauma and heal wounds more effectively. "Any form of trauma to certain areas of the skin, such as the dermis, promotes collagen formation," she says. "So if you suddenly get a big wound, your wound will heal better if you have more collagen reserves." Ever wonder what the mechanism behind microneedling is? By using small needles in your skin, it creates micro-trauma that stimulates your collagen to naturally reorganize itself to repair itself.

How to increase collagen production

Topical retinoic acid

Sugai is a big fan of using topical tretinoin to increase collagen production in the skin. At night (not during the day, since retinol can make your skin more sensitive to sunlight), he recommends using a retinoid-based cream. "[Retinol] tells your fibroblasts [collagen-secreting cells] to produce more collagen in your dermis," he says. He says you'll get the best results if you use it consistently during your nightly skin care routine.

Neutrogena Rapid Wrinkle Repair® Regenerating Anti-Wrinkle Retinol Cream Neutrogena

KLUR Stellar Restoration Multivitamin + Retinol Corrective Complex KLUR

SkinCeuticals Retinol 1.0 Maximum Strength Refining Night Cream Dermstore

Vitamin C and Antioxidant Serum

Research shows that vitamin C and antioxidants support collagen growth, so using a serum containing these ingredients can help protect your skin. Sugai recommends adding vitamin C or an antioxidant-rich serum to your morning routine to "fight free radicals produced by exposure to pollution, smog, or sunlight throughout the day."

Galore's Garden Vitamin C Serum Ayele & Co

Versed Sunday Morning Antioxidant Serum Oil Target

CeraVe Vitamin C Serum with Hyaluronic Acid


Markowitz says when collagen is depleted, often due to UV rays, it damages the fibers within the skin, speeding up the aging process. Her tip? Wearing sunscreen can help reverse these effects. "If you're really good at protecting your skin from the sun, you'll actually see more healthy collagen over time," she says. Sugai recommends using sunscreen with SPF 30 or above and reapplying it every one to two hours—even on cloudy days.

SPF 30 Brightening Moisturizer Bolden

EltaMD UV Clear Broad Spectrum SPF 46Dermstore

Slip Tint Dewy Tinted Moisturizer SPF 35 Sunscreen Saie

Gummies and oral supplements

You can find collagen supplements in everything from gummies to pills and powders. Studies have found that oral collagen supplements can increase skin density, while other studies have improved skin elasticity. The type of supplement you get depends entirely on your taste: You can chew two gummies a day, mix collagen powder into water or coffee, or add some oral supplements to your routine.

Vitauthority Plant Collagen Powder

Collagen Support Foods

According to Markowitz, when you include foods rich in vitamin C and antioxidants in your diet, it helps protect your collagen levels and promotes its turnover. "Antioxidants protect cells from damage caused by free radicals," she says. "Free radicals often cause irreversible damage to the skin and lead to collagen depletion." Look for rich sources of antioxidants to add to your plate, such as leafy greens, vegetables and berries.

Research references:

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Dr. Orit Markowitz, MD, board-certified dermatologist and founder of OptiSkin

Dr. Daniel Sugai, MD, Seattle dermatologist