Your love horoscope for March

The Spring Equinox is approaching, which means flowers are blooming, feelings are blooming, and cuffing season is officially over. Spring carnival, you are here! When it comes to March 2024 love horoscopes, there may be major plot twists in relationships and heart changes surrounding situations—but there's also plenty of dreamy energy to help channel your inner romance. The March 2024 love horoscope for each sign promises sweet and spicy new beginnings, whether you're single, coupled up or somewhere in between.

March begins with romantic Venus and passionate Mars in forward-thinking Aquarius, which can make everyone more objective in their relationships. Cosmic lover planet is at loggerheads with wild child Uranus during the first third of the month, so be on the lookout for changes of heart or edgy mood swings. The energy becomes more subdued and dreamy mid-month, as Venus enters sensitive Pisces after the sweet new moon on March 10th. The amorous qualities of Venus shine through in this water sign, making the rest of the month a wonderful time to look at your lover through rose-tinted glasses and fully indulge in some hopeless romantic behavior. Ask your crush to make a cheesy but adorable mixtape, or plan a dreamy date night with your partner.

The Spring Equinox on March 19th coincides with the beginning of Aries season, where new beginnings are burning. Seize the moment and act on your desires. Once energetic Mars enters Pisces in the last third of the month, sex becomes extra sensitive and emotional. Meanwhile, loving Venus blows a kiss to lucky Jupiter and surprise-filled Uranus. But don't get too relaxed, because the full moon lunar eclipse on March 25 is in the relationship-oriented sign of Libra. Libra's energy is all about balance, so this new moon can help balance things out in a relationship and restore a sense of order in love. It’s time to let go of your need to be recognized by others and feel valued – this has to come from within.

Read on for your March 2024 love horoscope.

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Aries (March 21-April 19)

The scent of upcoming spring has you in a social mood, so plan to attend some fun parties with your partner or hit the town to flirt with some new people. But remember, as the middle of the month approaches, sharing your innermost thoughts and initiating important conversations in relationships will become a priority.

If you want to ask someone out on a date or propose something important to your loved one, do so before Mercury goes retrograde on April 1. The second half of the month is a great time to let your destiny take the reins when it comes to relationships and relationships. Meet lovely people. If you've been stuck in old patterns or you've been hanging over an ex, now is the time to clear it out. Think of it as spring cleaning: relationship edition.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

There are many opportunities to dig deeper into your relationships and desires this month, so get ready to dive in. The New Moon on March 10 is a magical time to connect with someone special and do something fun together—whether it's a longtime sweetheart or a new love who just caught your eye.

The solar eclipse at the end of the month may leave you feeling drained, but it's still worth it to get out there and try your luck in love. If you're single, you might accidentally meet someone through a mutual friend. If you are a partner, group hanging can bring you closer together. Change your daily routine to create more room for serendipity.

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Gemini (May 21 to June 20)

Gemini, staying in your comfort zone in relationships doesn't feel like an option this month. The first half of the month is a time to push yourself and your relationships in a direction of growth—whether that means elevating yourself as a single person or elevating your focus in partnership. When the Spring Equinox arrives, getting out and about is a major vibe, so spend time socializing with others or go out and flirt with some friends of friends.

Transformative shifts in the last week of the month will shake up your sex and dating life, thanks to a solar eclipse. Release any tendency to dumb down or downplay your own joy in the bedroom—you need space to explore what truly lights your romantic fire.

Cancer (June 21 to July 22)

Romantic Venus and exalted Mars are both in your intimacy sector at the beginning of the month, so this is a great time to connect more deeply with your date or partner and set firmer boundaries in love. Keeping an open mind requires some protection, Cancer! As the Spring Equinox approaches, shake off the nerves and you'll be inspired to step out of your comfort zone and have some fun. While the month-end Solar Eclipse may feel chaotic, you can let off some steam by embracing a more adventurous approach to love. If you have a partner, host some social events to add to the atmosphere. If you're single and in a relationship, an unexpected person might pique your interest.

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Leo (July 23-August 22)

To commit or not to commit? With both love and sex planets in your partnership sector during the first half of the month, that could be the problem. If you're in a relationship, now is a great time to get closer, while singles may find they're ready to take more initiative on their journey from casual to committed.

Intimacy is important now, and the new moon is the perfect time to fulfill your deepest desires. The Spring Equinox inspires even more excitement, and you're feeling ready to break out of your usual love boxes. Flirting with your lover or agreeing to a risky date. Just make sure you set appropriate boundaries and respect your higher desires!

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

There's a lot of activity this month emphasizing your commitment zone, Virgo—so your relationships, whether they're budding or in full bloom, are a big theme. The New Moon on March 10 offers a fantastic new beginning in love, so make a stronger emotional commitment to your lover or be more aligned with what your heart really wants in a future partnership.

Intuition and romance soar mid-month, so immerse yourself in romantic comedies, silly crushes, and love songs, or just take the time to whisper sweet nothings to your significant other. The last third of the month will have you sinking deeper into your desires, so to quote The Rocky Horror Picture Show , it might be time to immerse yourself in absolute bliss.

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Libra (September 23-October 22)

The month begins on a passionate note, so intimacy feels more like a destined spiritual experience than usual. Enjoy the magic! If you're looking for a new date or to up the romance factor with your current love, do so before the new moon on March 10, because amorous Venus will be in your flirtatious fifth house to make love even sweeter.

Chatty Mercury enters your relationship sector around the same time, so if there are important conversations to have, now is the time. You may find yourself exploring the idea of ​​commitment more in the second half of the month, but don't feel the need to make any big decisions. The Lunar Eclipse in the last week of March will help you release energy that is no longer useful in your relationships, so be patient with the transformation within you.

Scorpio (October 23rd - November 21st)

March kicks off on a gorgeous, romantic note, Scorpio, and this sweet and sexy energy will continue throughout the month. Go out on a fun date with new friends, or if you're in a relationship, plan a lively night out with your sweetheart. It's time to try your luck! The New Moon of March 10th only emphasizes dreams and brings the potential for passionate, emotional new beginnings. When it comes to love, listen to your heart. While the Lunar Eclipse on March 25 may stir up some subconscious feelings at the end of the month, you still have plenty of opportunities to tap into the magic currently swirling within you.

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Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

This is a big month for romance and communicating your feelings, Sagittarius—whether that's through fun flirting or a deep conversation with your partner—so open up and be prepared to be vulnerable. You can share your emotions safely, and doing so will help you get closer to new and old lovers. The New Moon on March 10 is a great time to cuddle up with your significant other at home or scroll through apps from the comfort of your couch. But once Aries season begins, passion takes over. The fresh energy of spring puts you in touch with your sensual side, so you can tap into this fiery energy to spend quality time with your loved one.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

At the beginning of this month, conflicting values ​​and inner changes may cause some drama, but trust the process, Capricorn. Once love planet Venus begins to grace your communication sector on March 10, it will become easier to discuss things and express your feelings by mid-March.

The solar eclipse energy in the last week of the month is chaotic, but it's still a lucky time if you're considering a shoot with new friends or a conversation with a loved one about your desires. Take some initiative and have a meaningful conversation—but remember to leave a little room for fate to throw sweet love surprises your way.

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Aquarius (January 20 to February 18)

Passionate Venus and sexy Mars light up your sign in the first week of March, bringing hot romance and chaotic love drama. Stress can be high and tempers can be short-tempered, so if you have a disagreement with a loved one, try not to take it personally. The New Moon on March 10 will put things in perspective and help you understand what's truly important to you in terms of love, dating, and more.

It's especially important to listen to your heart during the Lunar Eclipse on March 25, as it will suddenly wash away any old belief systems or dogmas you've been holding on to about relationships. Your values ​​are changing in this department, so it's time to make room for more open-mindedness. You are rewriting a new set of romantic rules for yourself.

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

It's Pisces season now, so you're shining in the cosmic spotlight, but as you get closer to mid-month, things really start to get romantic. Under the new moon of March 10, get lost in the fantasy of choice, whether alone or with a significant other. On the next day, as lover Venus hits your sign, your charm and charisma will also reach a high point, making it easy to attract what you desire in love.

This dreamy energy is perfect for manifesting your ideal relationship or injecting some extra sweetness into an existing one. Exuberant Mars arrives in your sign just after the Spring Equinox, so the last part of the month is perfect for passionate intimacy. Don't be afraid to be vulnerable on a date and take the initiative.