4 zodiac signs you might struggle to keep cool during March's full moon

Aries season is here in full force, and if you haven't started feeling the savage energy of the fire sign yet, let the next new moon light up your inner warrior. The upcoming Worm Moon is also a lunar eclipse. It arrives at 3 a.m. ET (midnight PT) on March 25, 2024, merging into the friendly sign of Libra, and while every sign will feel their social batteries recharged, the most affected signs will be challenged to think outside the box , leaving the luggage behind.

Since Libra is the sign of relationships and balance, this full moon is all about your social calendar and finding balance between all parts of your life. "The upcoming March Full Moon in Libra brings a harmonious yet introspective energy that will encourage us to seek balance in our relationships and our inner selves," says tarot card reader, psychic, healer and Insider author said the book 's author, Kate Van Horn. Tarot cards.

On March 25, you will be forced to reflect on your close relationships, especially when it comes to finding common ground with others. However, if you're one of the four zodiac signs most affected by the Worm Moon, you might have a hard time keeping your cool.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Things are getting rocky in your partnership house, Aries, so be prepared for uncomfortable conversations. This new moon means letting go of cyclical patterns that hinder your ability to be authentic in your friendships.

"They may find themselves facing issues related to balance and compromise in their closest relationships," Van Horn says. Reflect on the role you play in relationships. If you're faced with conflict, find the middle ground without sacrificing your individuality.

Cancer (June 21 to July 22)

Cancer, conflicts may arise at home during the full moon, so be extra careful when dealing with family matters. Do you spend enough time taking care of your shelter or spending quality time with friends?

"Cancer patients may feel a tug of war between their desire for family harmony and their need for independence," Van Horn said. While you may avoid making a difficult transition to save face, she says, "now is the time to resolve any underlying tensions and focus on your emotional health."

Libra (September 23 to October 22)

The full moon is taking aim at your sense of self, Libra, and now is not the time to bend over backwards to meet other people's standards.

Because the Full Moon is in your sign, you may start to question how you view yourself, the world, and your relationships. "Libras may experience a heightened sense of self and may be inspired to make changes that are more consistent with their true selves," says Van Horn. Instead of filling your mind with self-doubt, create a vision board Come imagine who you want to be.

Capricorn (December 22 to January 19)

All eyes are on you this full moon, Capricorn, which is usually where you shine. But other people’s opinions may be more important. "Capricorns may face challenges related to work-life balance during this full moon," says Van Horn. "They may feel pressure to maintain harmony in their lives while striving for success, and goals and focus come naturally to them."

Instead of being burdened by other people's standards, go back to your roots. Time to pencil in with the family, or enjoy a few days of seclusion to recharge socially.


Kate Van Horn, tarot card reader, psychic, therapist, and author of Inner Tarot