During November’s “Beaver Moon,” 4 zodiac signs are going to have a tough time.

Whether you're checking off your end-of-year to-do list or already planning for 2024, you may need to clear your mind before November's full moon, also known as the Beaver Moon. The moon rises on November 27 at 4:16 a.m. Eastern time (7:16 a.m. Pacific time) and enters the quick-thinking sign of Gemini. Expect your emotions and desires to be misinterpreted, especially if you are one of the four signs most affected by this new moon.

"Gemini is the sign of communication, and during this full moon, it's definitely sending us a message that we need to slow down and take it seriously," says astrologer Ryan Marquardt. You can't do a million things at once, and November's full moon is a stark reminder.

The Full Moon is the final act of each lunar cycle and is often a time for self-reflection and finishing projects. However, the Full Moon is currently in air sign Gemini, which is spinning us in a different direction, towards multitasking and indecision.

"Gemini's defining characteristic is duality, and the full moon highlights this theme in a big way," Marquardt said. To combat this, take life one step at a time and use your Gemini strengths to deal with the situation, especially if you are one of the signs that bear the brunt of the Beaver Moon's influence.

Gemini (May 21st - June 20th)

Your ego is on full display now, Gemini, and if left unchecked, it could backfire. "Gemini can be confident and display a less than flattering attitude toward others," Marquardt says.

If your relationship is currently on the rocks, new drama may unfold. Notice how you stick to your point of view. Reflect on your emotions and then release them (by journaling or other methods).

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

Work isn't everything, Virgo. Even if things are heating up in this area—whether it's a potential promotion or an exciting job interview—Beaver Moon will illuminate the polarization between your personal and professional lives.

"As much as Virgos are tempted to get out and about right now, they should be mindful of the people they're close to," Marquardt says. Setting boundaries is key to protecting your work-life balance. Try rearranging your schedule around self-care or dedicating one day a week to family game night.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

Communication is everything, Sagittarius, especially when it comes to relationships. You may feel like your identity becomes indistinguishable from the people you spend the most time with. Speak what's on your mind, even if it means reestablishing your independence and going solo for a while. Vulnerability is a strength, not a weakness.

Also, think before you say “yes.” "If a Sagittarius makes an impulsive commitment to a significant other, they may have a hard time following through," says Marquardt. Contrary to the full moon's position, you don't need to commit or overextend yourself.

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

Feeling insecure, Pisces? Well, this full moon will heighten tensions at home. It may revive old family drama or trigger changes in your living situation.

"If a Pisces is uncertain or uncomfortable in their personal life, it can have a negative impact on their motivation and success at work," says Marquardt. Try working in a coffee shop or taking up a new hobby to change your environment.


Ryan Marquardt, astrologer