3 zodiac signs that like to stay home on Friday night

While Friday night is usually a time to go out and socialize, you won't see every zodiac sign cramming into a crowded bar. For some, this is the ideal time to stay home, lay low, or even go to bed before nine.

It sounds like a total snooze-fest, but for those zodiac signs who like to stay home on Friday nights, nothing could make them happier. Once the weekend is over, they become their most authentic and comfortable selves. What is their goal? Rejuvenate and relax with snacks, comfortable clothes and a variety of movies.

According to astrologer Stina Garbis, signs in the northern hemisphere—that is, Libra to Pisces—tend to be more outgoing and social, while signs in the southern hemisphere—Aries to Virgo—tend to be more introverted and directive.

"[The latter] is all about their comfort zone," she tells Bustle. While they sometimes feel a little guilty about staying home, these signs have learned to embrace their homely ways and enjoy their own company. Read on for three signs of this chilly lifestyle.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

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While this fire sign seems to love going out on Friday nights, they just want to stay home. According to Garbis, Aries are the natural leaders of the zodiac, so by the time the weekend rolls around, they're more than ready to relax, decompress, and hang out on their own.

As a sign ruled by Mars, this sign can easily get annoyed by the Friday night crowds. They see little point in going to a crowded restaurant or movie theater when they can just stay in the comfort of their own, deserted residence.

Sometimes Aries also like to use Friday night as a way to recharge before a busy weekend. If they have brunch or girls' night on their schedule, they spend the evening doing laundry and taking all 10 showers to feel fresh and ready.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

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After a long week, all Taurus wants to do is turn off the computer, trudge to the couch, and lie there until Saturday morning. The idea of ​​going out or socializing isn't an option for this earth sign, who would rather curl up under a pile of blankets.

"Taurus rules the second house of possessions, so their luxurious residence is their domain," Gabis says. They are also ruled by Venus, the planet of aesthetics, so they tend to put a lot of effort into creating comfortable spaces. That's why they would rather stay at home and admire their interior design skills than go out.

Ordering takeout is another important part of the evening. As one of the biggest foodies in the zodiac, Taurus's best time is trying a new restaurant - without actually having to go there. They'll peruse the online menu, choose something unique, and then wait with bated breath for it to arrive at their doorstep.

Cancer (June 21 to July 22)

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"Cancer rules the fourth house of family," Garbis said, so it took a lot of effort to drag them out on Friday night. While they may have the occasional low-key get-together, they're more likely to stay at home. Their goal is to put on their pajamas at five o'clock, watch a movie or two, and go to bed at eight o'clock.

This water sign needs time alone to decompress after a long week, so the last thing they want to do is socialize, especially in a loud and chaotic environment. Even the smallest inconvenience—like hearing that parking at a restaurant would be difficult—is enough to reassure them that staying home is the right choice.

Like a crab living in its shell, a Cancer's home is their comfort zone where they can relax and be themselves, Gabis said. That's why they've perfected the art of staying home, and you'll never find them feeling bad about it.


Stina Garbis, astrologer