7 Ways to Send Good January New Moon Vibes

Welcome to 2024, Star Angels! The first new moon of the year will peak on January 11, 2024, at 6:57 a.m. ET (3:57 a.m. PT) in the tenacious sign of Capricorn. This earth sign represents success and recognition, giving us the confidence to set new goals and work hard to achieve them—no matter how difficult the journey.

Like any new moon, it's a chance to start over. But for January's new moon, which arrives on January 11, that number doubles. From a numerological perspective, angel number 111 means independence and new beginnings. Exciting opportunities may come your way.

The good vibes on January 11 were almost unshakable. "This new moon will be actively supported by all three outer planets, pushing the collective into a deeper moment of reflection and change," says astrologer Lauren Ash.

Follow these January new moon dos and don'ts to set yourself up for success in 2024.

DO: Organize your home

The new moon is a smart time to declutter, and considering it's the first new moon of the year, there's no better time to turn your space into a sanctuary. “Use this as an opportunity to donate your old items and reorganize your home to fit your daily routine,” Ashe says. Pragmatic earth sign Capricorn values ​​practicality, so the more practical your surroundings are, the more your intentions will be felt.

DON’T: Dig into the past

From January 1st when Mercury goes direct into the new year, there is only room for bigger and better things. Let's face it, there's no need to preserve the energy of 2023. "A new moon is a time of new opportunities and new beginnings, so it's best to avoid getting stuck in repetitive cycles and looking back," Ashe says. “Don’t get caught up in anything that drains your energy.”

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DO: Take initiative

Now that Mercury retrograde has passed, it's the perfect time to revisit those goals that were put on the back burner during that annoying transit. "This new moon occurs as Mercury returns to Capricorn, giving you the opportunity to put your plans into action," she says. From taking control of your job to taking the next step in your romantic relationship, it's all under your control.

Don’t: Give up on your goals

Capricorn's ruler, Saturn, is about discipline, so focusing on long-term goals is a theme during the new moon. If hesitation and doubt have been clouding your confidence, expect these worries to pass. "During these lunar phases, fortune favors the brave. Don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone when encountering the unexpected," Ashe said. The Moon forms a harmonious sextile to Neptune, so let this innovative planet remind you of what inspires you.

DO: Start a new routine

Task-oriented Capricorns are always up for a challenge, especially if it means glory is on the way. This is the perfect time to wake up at 7am for a run or take a pottery class. "They say it takes a month to stick to a new habit, and there are 28 days between each new moon cycle," Ashe said. "This makes the new moon the perfect 'first day' to start new rituals to help improve your life."

Don’t: Miss the opportunity

Whether you're hesitant to take the leap or you're just feeling a little dizzy after Mercury goes retrograde, there are plenty of reasons to miss out on golden opportunities. But new moons have a way of enhancing your potential and allowing you to reach new heights. "While it's an exciting time to start fresh, it's important not to let an established routine that works for you fall by the wayside because of a passing whim," Ashe says.

DO: Self-reflect

The New Moon is great for slowing down and setting intentions, but you can't actually do that without looking inward first. "If you're not sure where you want to focus your energy, or what goals deserve your attention, the new moon can be a good time for self-reflection," Ashe says. Journal calmly and reflect on the successes and obstacles you have faced over the past year. You may have a breakthrough for the energy you want to bring into the new year.


Lauren Ash, astrologer