We'll all feel calm collecting during Libra season

Maybe you've been living your summer dreams over the past few months, or maybe you're just feeling a little overheated and ready for the cooler, crisper, pumpkin-flavored days of fall. Either way, on September 22 the Sun will leave kind-hearted Virgo and enter charming Libra, which will feel like a breath of fresh air from the universe. The Sun's entry into Libra also marks the autumnal equinox (aka the first day of autumn), so we simultaneously enter a new astrological and meteorological season. These cosmic shifts will bring about harmonious new beginnings for us all, so you'll want to know exactly how Libra Season 2021 will affect your sign.

Libra is the primary air sign of the zodiac, and its peace-loving and diplomatic vibe is great for enhancing our romantic relationships, allowing our social relationships to flourish, and bringing more balance to our daily lives. The transition from summer to fall (and the shorter days that come with it) can be dizzying, but the zodiac energy of Libra can help us find balance and work more harmoniously with others.

Joining the Sun are active Mars (the planet of action) and talkative Mercury (the planet of thought and communication), who will be moving through Libra throughout the season. But while the Libra vibe is all about connection and collaboration, our busy social schedules and lively conversations may not go as smoothly as we'd like this month. That's because Mercury retrograde in fall 2021 begins during the first week of Libra season and doesn't go direct until the final week.

While Mercury retrograde may bring some logistical headaches to our normally melodious Libra season flow, we'll also receive some cosmic blessings to balance out some of the chaos. Pluto retrograde in 2021 will end on October 6 (the same day as the auspicious new moon in Libra), and Jupiter retrograde in 2021 will end on October 18 (this is the day Mercury also goes direct). Finally, the energetic and friction-filled Full Moon in Aries on October 20 will end Libra season with a bang—but at least, we'll have fewer retrograde planets to deal with once the moon phase lights up the sky.

There's a lot going on in the universe right now, but your Libra 2021 horoscope can provide you with some guidance.

If your zodiac sign is Aries (March 21 to April 19)

Margaret Flatley/Buster

If you've been feeling distant from your partner or closest friends lately, this month is the time to get together and take initiative. You're figuring out what you want to commit to and what you don't commit to in a one-on-one partnership—and your ruler Mars is in Libra all month, which will balance some of this season's indecision and solidity. Be diplomatic but firm to ensure that the conversation about the dynamics of your relationship goes smoothly.

If your zodiac sign is Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Margaret Flatley/Buster

Libra season is about to take us into fall, Taurus, so use this energetic transition as an excuse to revamp your calendar and make some healthy adjustments to your daily routine. All work and no play can make a cosmic bull very unhappy, so examine your work-life balance dynamics and make sure you schedule enough time to socialize, de-stress, and practice self-care. If you make your health a priority, you will be more productive.

If your zodiac sign is Gemini (May 21 to June 20)

Margaret Flatley/Buster

With the Sun in air sign Gemini, you'll thrive during Libra season—even your ruler Mercury's retrograde period won't let you down! Your creativity is high, so invest it in any activity that makes you feel happy and optimistic about life. Now is a good time to prioritize passion projects, open yourself up to romance and dating, or spend some extra time enjoying your hobbies.

If your zodiac sign is Cancer (June 21 to July 22)

Margaret Flatley/Buster

With summer officially behind us and the brisk days of fall just around the corner, Libra season marks the perfect time for you to start nesting and tending to your home life, Cancer. Take the time to make your home a warm and cozy sanctuary where you can calmly unwind after a workday or social event. Now is a great time to breathe life into your living space by inviting friends over for cooking or a scary movie night.

If your zodiac sign is Leo (July 23 to August 22)

Margaret Flatley/Buster

Leo, your inbox is full and your phone is ringing off the hook—Libra season is lighting up one of the most socially active houses of your chart. While Mercury retrograde may cause some communication conflicts, don't let it stop you from connecting with those around you in meaningful ways and embracing your rising popularity. As long as you're willing to listen and participate, even casual conversations can open new doors and provide you with useful perspectives.

If your zodiac sign is Virgo (August 23 to September 22)

Margaret Flatley/Buster

Libra season is all about balance, Virgo, so try to channel that vibe into your finances. If you find yourself spending more than usual on luxury items during your birthday, now is a good time to bounce back and find a more stable balance between spending and saving. Mercury retrograde may make any major number crunching difficult, but just changing your daily money habits will put you on the right path.

If your zodiac sign is Libra (September 23 to October 22)

Margaret Flatley/Buster

Libra, happy birthday to you! The Sun in your sign requires you to be as real and visible in your life as possible. Your sign is naturally associated with partnership, so it's hard not to put others first and constantly strive to meet their needs—but what do you want? Prioritizing your truth, goals, and desires is paramount right now, so don’t be afraid to take up space and let your light shine.

If your zodiac sign is Scorpio (October 23 to November 21)

Margaret Flatley/Buster

With the days officially getting shorter and sunset arriving earlier, you may find yourself craving a period of hibernation over the next month—and that's okay, Scorpio. After the hustle and bustle of summer, decompressing and spending quality alone time will give you time to process the lessons you've learned and get in touch with your spiritual side. Check your FOMO at the door and satisfy your desire to recharge.

If your zodiac sign is Sagittarius (November 22 to December 21)

Margaret Flatley/Buster

Summer may be over, Sagittarius, but Libra season will highlight your friendships and inspire you to connect with your crew and have some fall fun. If there's some communication conflict in your social circle that's causing drama (thanks to Mercury retrograde), now is a good time to step up and try to calm the situation down. Your noble vision and optimistic attitude will help resolve conflicts and bring greater harmony to your team.

If your zodiac sign is Capricorn (December 22 to January 19)

Margaret Flatley/Buster

Let’s get down to business, Cap—Libra season highlights the career sector of your chart and inspires you to further your career goals. While the chaos of Mercury retrograde will certainly delay some projects or promotions, when it comes to your work life, you'll still shine and catch the attention of all the right people. Stay motivated and strive to build more personal connections with your boss, colleagues, and clients.

If your zodiac sign is Aquarius (January 20 to February 18)

Margaret Flatley/Buster

With the Sun in air sign Libra and Aquarius this month, this influx of spiritual energy highlights your most far-sighted interests and gives you a solid foundation for wanderlust. You are eager to explore new ideas, try new things, and visit new places, thereby broadening your horizons in life. What’s the best way to do that this season? Connect with people who inspire you. Meet and listen to people you consider mentors. Their unique perspectives may give you some exciting spiritual or philosophical concepts to think about.

If your zodiac sign is Pisces (February 19 to March 20)

Margaret Flatley/Buster

It's fall now, Pisces, and the sun is setting earlier — giving you extra time to indulge in dreamy nighttime introspection. Because Libra season shifts our focus to partnerships, it brings you useful opportunities to evaluate your current relationship boundaries and bring some balance to any energetic exchanges that seem unbalanced. If you need to cut ties with people who are draining you, or just have a clearer idea of ​​what you have to offer each other, now is a great time to continue having those conversations.