Adam Lambert defends Harry Styles against 'queer behavior' accusations

Queen frontman Adam Lambert doesn't hesitate when it comes to expressing his opinions. Especially when it comes to issues affecting the LGBTQ+ community. Now, the American Idol runner-up is speaking out to defend Harry Styles after he was accused of alleged "queer behavior." In an interview with iNews, Lambert was asked if he believed Styles had adopted "queer iconography to appeal to the queer fan base in a cynical way." While the singer acknowledged people's "concerns" about queer people, he said the accusations "almost underestimate the intelligence of gay people."

Lambert continued: "Well, if you're gay and you like Harry Styles, do you like him because he has a rainbow flag on stage or because you like his songs? Rainbow? Isn’t the flag just the icing on the cake? … I think people just like to find things to complain about.”

In 2022, Styles spoke to Rolling Stone about the queerbaiting accusations he'd faced in his love life, explaining that he'd never been "publicly involved with anyone," despite some fans claiming he'd " He has only publicly dated women."

"If someone takes a picture of you with someone, it doesn't mean you're choosing to have a public relationship or anything," he added. Meanwhile, in a 2022 interview with Better Homes & Gardens, the Grammy winner also discussed why he chooses not to label his sexual orientation. "I'm very honest with my friends, but this is my personal experience; it's mine," he told the outlet. "The focus we should be moving towards is accepting everyone and being more open that it doesn't matter and not having to label everything, not having to clarify which boxes you're checking."

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