The Bachelor Just Proved Why It Needs More Jesse Palmer

In the first few weeks of Joey Graziadei's Bachelor season, the star has made some strong connections. But in week three, much of the episode was spent on a heated fight between contestants Maria George and Sidney Gordon. As Joey sat down with each woman to get to the bottom of the bullying accusations, others lamented the time they missed with him — time that, as Exit's Evalyn Clark said, might have saved them from returning Home.

So the February 5 episode ended on a somewhat depressing note — right down to the final minute-long clip of Jesse Palmer relaxing on Colonel Sanders' pool float, Eating KFC and repeating in different ways the "oh so serious" thing and the superfluous "ladies, here's the last rose tonight."

"Why are we talking about the final rose tonight? Obviously there's one rose left on the table," he mused. "Everybody knows this. Why do I have to go in and tell everybody? It's a waste of time."

He thought maybe next time he could tell the ladies to "kick rocks." "The show's over, ladies, wrap it up."

It's not unusual for The Bachelor to feature funny bits or tidbits during the end credits, but having the franchise host deliver such a funny, self-aware monologue felt fun, refreshing and different. The show needs more of this.


Let Jesse be stupid!

As charming as Jesse is, he's also hilarious. Line from his Bachelor casting ad? Unparalleled.

In fact, one of the show's great draws is that the handsome host reminds viewers that the whole rose-filled journey is a little weird. For example, Jesse blushing while talking about "knock boots" with Gerry Turner is still one of my favorite moments on The Bachelor , and he was on Charity Lawson's season of The Bachelor It was so much fun stomping around in a Sasquatch costume.

Jesse replaced original series host Chris Harrison less than three years ago, but he's quickly proven his unique style: more of a friend than a colleague, a true believer in the process, but in Prone to mild silliness throughout.

Disney/John Fleno

As one user on X (formerly Twitter) said, "That last paragraph is the most personal we've seen from Jesse Palmer in the last few years!!!" Another People called it the "best part" of the episode.

Jesse's healthy energy and penchant for dad jokes will only grow as he becomes the titular dad , so it's time for The Bachelor to increase the host's screen time. At a time when critics are wondering how the decades-long series can stay fresh, Jesse offers a way forward — one that gently questions the show's rituals while still embodying its core.

He's been through it all

One of the funniest things about Jesse is that, once upon a time, he was in Joey's shoes! In Season 5, which aired 20 years ago this spring, he embarked on his own love journey. Jesse didn't find a lasting match during his bachelor season — but he did say the wrong woman's name while handing out the coveted stems during an infamous rose ceremony.

Craig Jordin/Disney Universal Entertainment Content/Getty Images

The show could benefit from Jesse's experience. Not in a "when I was your age..." kind of way, but in a way that gets him more actively involved in the ups and downs of bachelor life. For example, he could become a third-party mediator in fights on the show, lending a sympathetic ear to conflicts so that Joey doesn't have to act as referee throughout the season.

Even letting Jesse spend a little more time in the Bachelor Mansion could have a stabilizing effect on this emotionally charged journey — reminding contestants that, yes, you're looking for love, but you're also on a TV show, and it's shot at breakneck speed The pace may make you feel uneasy.

That being said, Jesse is one of the busiest, busiest people in the entertainment industry, so I know this might just be an unrealistic dream. But producers, if Jesse wants to try and tell the ladies to (politely) kick rocks next season, then let him!