What People Are Getting Wrong This Week: The 'Reality Shift' on TikTok

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Social media platform TikTok's misinformation policy is pretty strict, at least on paper. It specifically bans content that contains "medical misinformation about vaccines or abortion" and "misinformation about voting," with a blanket ban on content that "undermines public trust." (You have to go to Twitter/X to do this sort of thing.) But TikTok’s community guidelines don’t prohibit more esoteric nonsense about “reality shifting,” “manifestation,” and a host of other esoteric beliefs. As a result, these novel ideas have found a new audience among young people using TikTok. But TikTok is indifferent to this. This is good.

What is reality shift?

Simply put, reality shifting is the belief that we can shift our consciousness into an alternative reality. It's (very loosely) based on the "many worlds interpretation" of quantum mechanics, which assumes that all possible outcomes of quantum measurements are realized in some universe, so there are an infinite number of realities - like everything in that movie, none Everywhere and immediately . The leap that TikTok’s reality shifters have taken is the idea that there is a way to access these alternative realities, both physically and mentally. As far as anyone can attest, there isn't, but if you want to try it, you can check out this video for instructions, or watch every video on the hashtag in some alternate dimension throughout your day.

What does it reflect?

Reality Shift may seem novel, but it's actually very similar to the old idea of ​​"performance," another belief that has a strong fan base on TikTok. While it's often surrounded by exhortations to meditate or imagine, at its most basic level it embodies the belief that if you believe you can have anything you want, you can have it. That's hopeful, but there are extra steps.

Where does this all come from?

It seems like every new generation finds a way to talk about manifestation, reality shifting, and other fringe spiritual beliefs. Since its publication in 2006, The Secret has sold more than 35 million copies. (Spoiler alert: The secret of the title is "If you want something hard enough, you'll get it.") The secret is a modernization of a New Age belief popular in the 1990s, which was based on the 1970s " Human Potential Movement,” based on the esoteric ideas of the hippie generation of the 1960s. If you keep going back in time (literally, if you want to change reality), you reach the "Second Great Awakening" of the late 1800s to early 1900s, when Spiritualism, Freemasonry, and Transcendentalism prevail.

What's the harm in making a wish?

While it's obvious that people can't get whatever they want just because they want it - just look at everything - is that a bad thing? Yes and no.

The bad thing about columns: trusting the universe to just provide you with whatever you order only really works if you have the privilege. It's easier to think, "I have this money because I really want it!" When you already have so much money, you should be asking, "Where's that car I ordered?"

It’s also a pretty callous belief system. Manifestors like to pretend to be compassionate, but believe in a generous universe or a gift-giving God in the “prosperity gospel” movement (less popular on TikTok, more popular on Facebook) means anyone in an unfortunate situation Everyone must hope that they will be in unfortunate situations. It - that kid with cancer must want to have cancer or he's not praying hard enough.

The negative side of the ledger also includes: gurus, preachers, and politicians who deceive the gullible. When believers try to make laws based on their beliefs. There are also UFO cults and suicide pacts. So there are a lot of negatives.

Why we shouldn't do anything about it (except be complacent)

But on the other hand, there has always been a countercurrent of mysticism in American faith. You can see this in the enduring popularity of astrology (another TikTok favorite), the ubiquity of Ouija boards in toy stores, and the presence of local palm readers. People are getting some basic needs met, whether it's through horoscopes and vision boards or Sunday morning church services. I personally don't understand it, but like Sinatra said, "I'm for whatever gets you through the night."

There have been attempts in the past to curb new religious movements, often to disaster. For example, after the Jonestown mass suicide, anti-cult sentiment was so strong that a cottage industry of "anti-programmers" sprung up, and in actual court cases, serious people argued that if you really Failing to do so, kidnapping your relative is legal. Not liking what they believe or who they hang out with.

Doing nothing about those who believe strange things on TikTok, and the scammers and scammers who take advantage of them, is not the answer. First, it's boring, much like the adversarial atheism that was popular online a decade ago. But more importantly, Western culture, when it functions properly, is built on the idea that people should be able to believe and say whatever they like. Even if it's stupid - freedom and all that.