Tyler Cameron's ex turned out in his underwear at the worst possible time

Most people won't experience the nerve-wracking chaos of walking into the Bachelor mansion for the first time, but Bachelor alum Taylor Cameron says speed dating is about the closest thing you can get.

"You probably get more time on speed dating than you do on The Bachelor , First Night. I didn't get to meet Hannah [Brown] on the first night," he said in New York on February 7 with told Bustle during a speed dating night hosted by LEGO.

While he hopes the event will spark competition, he's been coy about his love life, including upcoming Valentine's Day plans. "I think I'll be back on Jupiter, so if I'm going to do something romantic, it'll either be on a ship or I'll find a nice little restaurant. Just something simple."

Below, Cameron talks about his most disastrous Valentine's Day, dating his twin sister, and his thoughts on why Gerry Turner sent Patty Cuculo James to his best friend Matt James Mom - The theory of coming home from "Bachelor" .

What's your most memorable Valentine's Day?

One year, I was dating a girl who lived seven hours away and she said, "I can't make it to Valentine's Day." I was like, "No big deal."

My dad had just finished hunting and had venison on him. I was like, "Dad, come here, let's cook it up." We were making pasta and venison and all this stuff, and there was a knock on the door. I opened it and it was my girlfriend in a trench coat and the whole outfit , you know. I was like, Oh my gosh, this is not good .

I asked, "Do you want to eat venison?" She said, "No."

All I could see was that she was angry because I didn't know telepathically that she was coming to town. I had to spend the rest of the weekend wearing makeup and kissing her ass. To this day I still don’t understand how I got into trouble for this.

Let's say you see a stranger in public and you are interested in them. what should you do?

faster. “Hey, would love to meet you for coffee or a drink – here’s my number.” Boom. Confidence is everything.

Did you do it?

One time, there was a very beautiful girl on the plane and we hit it off. I asked her for her phone number and she said, "Yeah, I'd love to go out with you." I immediately sent her a text and replied, "Who are you?" Me (to the girl on the plane) Said, "You gave me the wrong number." She said, "Oh my God, it's my twin sister's." So I ended up going out with my twin sister.

We've all been there: someone asks for your phone number and there's no way you can get out of it without making them feel bad. Since college, I've been notorious for giving away my brother's phone number.

Do you have any advice for people going on a first date?

Guys, if you're taking someone special out on a first date, you have to bring her flowers and you have to pick her up at her door. OK? We need to get the romance back. All this "meet me somewhere, meet me..." - no. We were in New York, accompanying her to that place and taking care of her.

Who should be the golden bachelorette?

Kris Jenner's stunt double, Susan Knowles. I've seen some of her funny clips and I think she's great.

What did you think about watching Patti on "Bachelor" ?

I just don’t think Gerry (Turner) could handle Matt’s mom. She is a rocket. She was hot and he couldn't stand it, so he got rid of her the first night. Sometimes you can be intimidated by women, especially one as tall as she is.

This interview has been edited and condensed for clarity.