What does retrograde mean?

Many of us are somewhat familiar with the astrological phenomenon known as Mercury retrograde periods, during which we are more likely to experience unexpected traffic, text the wrong group chat, or show up at the wrong bar during happy hour . But these infamous transits don't just happen on Mercury. All planets in astrology (except the Sun and Moon) have retrograde periods that occur on a regular basis - each of them changes our lives and teaches us cosmic lessons in their own unique way.

Retrograde motion is a common cosmic event, but it is also the most terrifying. This is because planetary retrograde periods can cause chaos, revisions, and (sometimes unwelcome) explosions from the past. But retrogrades don’t have to be bad or scary, especially if you know how to work with them and go with their flow. Understanding what retrogrades mean in astrology and how they impact our lives can change the way we experience these inevitable retrogrades.

How does retrograde work?

Before we get into the astrological implications of retrograde, let’s break down what’s actually happening in the universe during retrograde motion. "The word retrograde comes from the Latin retogradus, which means 'step back,'" astrologer Leslie Hale of spiritual counseling network Keen.com tells Bustle. Astronomers call this retrograde movement 'manifest' 's backward motion' because it is an illusion and the Earth is not actually moving backwards. "

Technically, retrograde motion is an optical illusion that occurs when a planet's orbit aligns with ours in just the right way. The planets don't actually defy the laws of physics and reverse their orbits—it just looks as if they're slowing down and moving backwards from our vantage point on Earth. This is similar to when we are in a moving vehicle, and when the speed and timing are just right, the bus in the lane next to us may appear to momentarily move backwards.

In astrology, retrograde is considered to mean a period of review, reassessment, and reimagining in the areas of life ruled by that planet.

How often does retrograde occur?


Retrogrades are a common phenomenon in astrology—in fact, we usually have at least one planet retrograde at any given time. The counterrotations of these planets occur periodically and are different for each planet. Mercury retrogrades are one of the most notorious of them all, as they occur three to four times a year—more often than any other planet! Meanwhile, planets like Mars reverse course every other year.

The astrological meaning of retrograde

Retrograde motion in astronomy may refer to an optical illusion, but in astrology the effects of these planetary transits are considered very real. "Retrogrades are times of reevaluation and redoing," Hale said. “They often deal with the past—so past events, situations, and even people can resurface. Now is the time to slow down, do some personal reflection, and review the trajectory we’ve been on. By making an effort to check in with ourselves and learn from the past during the retrograde, we can move forward with greater clarity and confidence once this is accomplished.

During a retrograde period, issues we tried to cover up or ignore may come back to haunt us, forcing us to deal with them and find solutions. Even situations we think are over may resurface in some way, requiring us to draw new conclusions or learn new lessons.

You may notice that during certain retrograde periods, you tend to run into obstacles with projects, run into problems in relationships, or face personal crises and confusion. Think of these struggles as the universe's way of helping you learn from your mistakes and stay connected with yourself before moving on to new endeavors. Hale points out that retrogrades "are associated with karmic events in your life," so going with the retrograde flow rather than trying to overcome it can help you feel more in sync.

What does each retrograde planet mean for us?

Each planet in astrology rules a different part of our lives. It is during these parts of our lives when a planet goes retrograde that we will experience the effects of retrograde motion. Each planetary retrograde teaches us something different, and they provide us with the opportunity to pause so that we can review our decisions, evaluate where we are, and make adjustments before moving forward again.

  • Mercury Retrograde: Mercury is the planet of communication, thinking, timing, and technology. Its retrograde motion can cause all kinds of confusion, scheduling snags, and technology glitches. Mercury reverses itself three to four times a year, for about three weeks each time.
  • Venus Retrograde: Venus is the planet of love, romance, values, and money, so its retrograde often affects our relationships or finances. Venus goes retrograde approximately once a year for approximately 40 days.
  • Mars Retrograde: Mars is the planet of energy, passion, and sexuality, so its retrograde affects the way we act on things and pursue our goals. Mars reverses itself every other year, for approximately 60 to 80 days.
  • Jupiter Retrograde: Jupiter is the planet of growth and expansion, so its retrograde is associated with our personal evolution. Jupiter reverses itself once a year, for about four months at a time.
  • Saturn Retrograde: Saturn is the planet of rules and restrictions, so its retrograde can affect our sense of responsibility. Saturn reverses itself once a year, lasting about four and a half months.
  • Uranus Retrograde: Uranus is a planet of chaos and unexpected change, so its retrograde subtly affects the way we handle sudden changes in our lives. Uranus reverses itself once a year, for about five months at a time.
  • Neptune Retrograde: Neptune is the planet of dreams and fantasies, so its retrograde can subtly affect the way we perceive reality. Neptune reverses itself once a year, for about five months at a time.
  • Pluto Retrograde: Pluto is the planet of change, so its retrograde subtly affects our relationship to slow changes in society. Pluto reverses itself once a year, for about five months at a time.

What's the best way to survive retrograde unscathed?


Contrary to popular belief, planets going retrograde are not meant to ruin our lives. While they do cause some chaos and stagnation, this is all in the name of growth and awareness - if we know how to align with their energy, we can actually use them to our advantage.

"When a planet goes retrograde, it's time for us to take a step back, see what the retrograde planet represents, and polish that part of our lives rather than moving forward," Hale says. "Even if nothing seems to be happening beneath the surface (in that part of your life), it's likely that a lot is going on." Retrogrades only come about when we refuse to slow down and do the work they ask of us. question. So if we continue with life as usual and refuse to address the issues that arise during these times, the planets may eventually throw us some of the infamous retrograde obstacles.

Of course, in our fast-paced, productivity-focused society, it can be difficult to hit the pause button and take a breather. But if we want to align ourselves with current astrological energies and promote personal growth, retrograde is an ideal time to do so.

Retro Shades : Retrograde Ascendants and Descendants

Let’s talk about preparing for retrograde and then readjusting after it. In addition to the retrograde itself, each retrograde cycle also includes a shadow period before and after the retrograde motion—often referred to simply as the retrograde shadow period, or in astronomy as the stationary retrograde period . These retrograde shadow periods occur when a planet moves forward on the same part of the zodiac that it rotated in the opposite direction during its actual retrograde motion.

It is during the shadow period before a retrograde that we usually begin to feel the effects of the retrograde. Now is a good time to start tying up loose ends in areas of your life ruled by the planet that is about to go retrograde, and start preparing (so you can avoid all the things you shouldn't do during retrograde). Pay attention to themes that arise during this time, as you may revisit them during the retrograde.

After the retrograde shadow period, we slowly transition back to normal life. The retrograde energy hasn't completely cleared yet, but things are starting to move forward again - so we should take our time and try to integrate the lessons the retrograde has to teach us.