9 Shower Tips to Help You Reduce Anxiety

Taking a hot bath seems to do wonders for the mind and body— especially if you use a bath bomb. But if you're one of the unfortunate people like me who only has a spartan shower in your apartment and no bathtub in sight, then this particular form of stress relief is out of reach. Thankfully, there are plenty of shower tips that can reduce anxiety and can work wonders to make your shower experience more luxurious.

Let's be honest, even if you have a bathtub, a thorough soak isn't always a reasonable option when you're rushing to get out of the house in the morning. Most of the time, my bath routine has more of a "I'm doing this for basic hygiene" than a "spa-like stress relief" vibe, and half the time I'm in a crazy rush, which just Increased daily anxiety.

But showering can (and should be!) more than just a necessary part of your daily routine. They can be precious moments where you calm yourself, help manage anxiety, and just enjoy a few moments . Check out the following shower facts and tips that will make your daily shower easier and more enjoyable.

Hot showers are ideal muscle relaxers

You know what has a sauna-like atmosphere? Take a hot bath. Hot water and steam act as an instant muscle relaxant, relieving built-up tension and relaxing muscles tense from stress and anxiety. Stimulating your senses with a hot shower can also increase levels of the feel-good hormone oxytocin, so don't be afraid to heat up and treat yourself to a few extra minutes of the soothing effects.

Improve your mood (and circulation) with a cold shower

Hot showers are nice, but don’t let the benefits of a refreshing cold-water rinse put you to sleep! Research shows that cold showers (even short ones) can increase blood circulation throughout your body, which will help wake you up and make you feel more alert and energized. When you take a cold shower, your body also releases endorphins, which are known as one of our "happy" hormones. Author and naturopath Peter Bongiorno says cold showers, in the form of hydrotherapy, can even be used to treat depression. "I recommend that people with depression briefly expose their entire body to cold water in the form of a cold shower," Bongiono told Psychology Today. He noted that patients can start with a regular hot shower and slowly lower the temperature over a few minutes. And it doesn't need to be completely frozen—even a minute or two of cold water rinse at the end of the shower can pay dividends.

Aromatherapy with essential oils

Michael Locisano/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images

Using essential oil aromatherapy in the shower is a great way to reduce anxiety—think calming scents like lavender, frankincense, or vetiver. If you have a diffuser, install it in your bathroom to release the scent of your choice throughout your shower. If not, just put up to 15 drops of oil on a cotton ball and place it on the shower floor for a DIY oil steam (just make sure it's in an area that won't get directly into the water flow!). The steam from your shower naturally releases the oils in the cotton balls for major stress-relieving aromatherapy.

get a shower tag

Aura Cacia Lavender Shower Tablets Aura Cacia

Think of them as the shower equivalent of bath bombs. If you want to enjoy the benefits of aromatherapy without investing in essential oils, there are many different shower tablets on the market that steam up your shower and fill it with gorgeous scent while also providing the anxiety-reducing benefits of natural essential oils Effective oil. Try lavender scent for the ultimate calming, spa-like effect.

Green your shower experience

Indoor plants can instantly bring life to a room, and apparently they can actually make you feel happier. According to NBC News, research shows that indoor plants can actually improve your mood and reduce stress — so why not bring those benefits into the shower? Place indoor plants on the shower shelf or hang them from the ceiling—whichever works best for your space. Some indoor plants thrive in the humidity caused by showering, so choose one that is compatible with the amount of light and condensation in your bathroom.

turn on music

While it's always nice to have some quiet time to clear your head, shower time can also be the perfect time to put on some feel-good music. Make a mini playlist of songs you know will lift your mood - and be sure to sing along! Singing has been proven to release endorphins, so set up the shower as your own private karaoke room and enjoy the benefits. If that's not your style, go the more spa-like route and choose some meditative tracks that will help you relax.

Combined with massage

Waterpik Original 4-Mode Massage Hand Shower

If you suffer from anxiety and tension, it might be worth replacing your shower head with a retractable one that comes with a variety of massage options. They're relatively cheap, usually not too troublesome to install, and most have multiple settings so you can get any type of massage you want. Adding a quick hydromassage to your shower will definitely improve your stress relief.

luxurious foam

EO® French Lavender Shower Gel EO Products

The product you choose can also be used in aromatherapy! Shop for high-quality, non-toxic body wash and hair care products that feel and smell luxurious. Many brands incorporate real essential oils into their products, making them smell incredible and potentially provide aromatherapy benefits. Please help yourself!

Don't be behind on time

BALDR LCD Waterproof Shower Clock

Well, usually a clock just gives me more anxiety, but when you just want to enjoy your shower, knowing what time it is at all times can make you more relaxed. If you have limited time to get ready or are in a hurry to shower, having a clock with you so you can pace yourself and always know what time it is will be a huge stress reliever and allow you to get the most out of your Don't worry about being late. You'll never have to worry about whether your shower is taking too long (or risk getting your phone off the counter with slippery hands to check the time).