Alitalia just became the first European airline to offer non-binary gender options

It's a big step forward for non-binary gender representation: According to a press release, Alitalia has revealed that it is the first European airline to offer non-binary gender options to customers booking flights through its website. While we still have a long way to go in terms of non-binary acceptance, it's still a big deal for the idea of ​​gender fluidity to be normalized and not always limited to the choice of one man and one woman . Hopefully more airlines will follow Alitalia's lead.

Starting in June 2019, passengers flying with Alitalia will have three options when selecting their gender when booking a flight on the airline's website: M (male), F (female) or X (other). When people enter their name, there will also be an "Mx" title option instead of just "Mr." or "Ms." Although IATA approved the inclusion of non-binary options in the booking process in 2018, this is the first time a European airline has introduced a non-binary option on its website.

Alitalia Chief Operating Officer Rosen Dimitrov said in a press release: "Altalia is determined to lead the industry in inclusivity and we are proud to be the first European airline to offer our customers these inclusive booking options. airline."


Dimitrov added: “Altalia’s brand slogan is – Imagine the world differently. This vision encompasses freedom, inclusion, acceptance of diversity and striving for progress in every expression. Therefore, we are The introduction of non-binary options on the website is yet another reflection of these important values.”

While Alitalia is the first European airline to do so, it is not the first to offer non-binary gender options. In March 2019, United announced its new slogan, "Fly Who You Are," and became the first airline to offer passengers the choice of a gender-neutral title of "Mx" and the gender options M, F or X on its website American Airlines. Other U.S. airlines such as Delta, Southwest, American Airlines, JetBlue and Alaska Airlines have previously announced plans to add the same non-binary options.

But again, this is far from appropriate representation for non-binary people. While a gender option now exists on Alitalia and United's websites, passengers who choose that option must still ensure they match the gender on their passport or they risk not being able to fly on the ticket they purchased. While more and more states are beginning to offer non-binary birth certificates and ID cards, unfortunately, this does not take into account those who identify as gender fluid, And they don’t think of themselves as having a fixed gender.

To adequately represent those who identify as non-binary, more work needs to be done to consider the nuances of what it means to be non-binary—including the idea of ​​identifying as genderfluid. However, Alitalia's introduction of new gender options is still a good step in the right direction, and hopefully other airlines will follow suit soon.