7 Summer Vacation Ideas Just for Pisces

Unless you're someone who travels and vacations frequently, deciding where to actually travel can be difficult. After all, if you're saving time and money, you need to make sure you actually end up liking where you go. So, how do you narrow it down? Well, one way is to turn to the stars, and if you're a Pisces, the following summer vacation ideas might be for you.

Now, should you choose your vacation destination based solely on your zodiac sign? I mean, maybe there are other factors to consider, like your personal interests. However, it can serve as a starting point if you don't know where to start. Especially if you're interested in the characteristics and descriptions of your zodiac sign, a vacation spot associated with it might be a really good fit for you.

So, what are Pisces looking for during the holidays? Astrology.com explains that Pisces are creative, compassionate, spiritual, selfless, and emotional. Astrology-Zodiac-Signs.com states that people belonging to this sign enjoy "solitude, sleeping, music, romance, visual media, swimming, spiritual themes." A trip to enjoy romantic visuals, get a good night's sleep, and go swimming? Doesn't sound too hard to find.

Keeping all of these characteristics and interests in mind, here are some summer vacation ideas that might suit a Pisces.

Charleston, South Carolina

Sean Pavon/Shutterstock

Charleston isn't as fast-paced as many larger cities, but Artnet News still named it one of the 10 best cities in the United States for art lovers. Susan Miller of Astrology Zone writes, "Anything that has too much to do with real life — traffic, ringing phones, billboards, etc. — can dampen [Pisces'] spirits" — so Charleston, since it's also close to a ton of beaches, might do well.

Puerto Rico

Dennis Vandervoort/Shutterstock

Puerto Rico is known for its beaches, and traveling to Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria also means supporting the local economy. For compassionate Pisces who want their vacation to mean more than just relaxing on the beach, here's more about vacationing responsibly in Puerto Rico after Maria.

Barcelona, ​​Spain


Art? Check. beach? Check. music? Check. "Spiritual theme"? Check.


Puripat Lertpunyaroj/Shutterstock

Earlier this year, astrology experts and Moonbox founders Katie Huang and Paula Pavlova gave Bustle their advice on where people should travel based on their zodiac signs, including Pisces My suggestion is Iceland. "Iceland's landscape of glaciers, lagoons and medieval cliffs creates some of the most dreamy and ethereal atmospheres, making it the perfect place for super-spiritual Pisces to fully immerse themselves in mystery and discover themselves," the pair explain.

california coast

Doug Meeker/Shutterstock

This is advice from the astrological zone, based on the fact that Pisces is associated with water and prefers environments with "fairytale magic". Astrology Zone notes that Pisces might like "a small hotel or vacation home with a view of the ocean" because "the sound of crashing waves will calm you down, gentle Pisces." A road trip along the California coast offers plenty of ocean views , and visit some different places with a magical atmosphere.

Paris France

Luciano Motura - LGM/Shutterstock

The Astrology Club calls Paris "one of the best travel destinations for Pisces" because it's romantic and artistic. While it doesn't offer swimming opportunities like some other destinations (unless you stay somewhere with a pool), the city is located on the Seine River. Pisces can spend some precious alone time walking by the river or sitting in a city park.

nearby beaches

Joanna Weir/Shutterstock

For any Pisces who just wants to relax (or sleep) by the water, the easiest and cheapest vacation might just be to head to your nearest beach. (Sorry, landlocked Pisces!) Maybe you usually only take day trips to the beach, but you can make your trip longer without spending so much on transportation. Rent a vacation home or apartment, or stay in a hotel or hostel for a few days and enjoy everything nearby.

So, what would a Pisces be? Cool off at the beach, enjoy art in the city, or both?