JetBlue Now Offers One-Way Tickets for Under $20

Lately, it feels almost impossible to find cheap flights. It seems that, no matter where you go, everything is very expensive, and then you have to pay on top of the original price for any little thing you might want to do: select your seat, check a bag, or even, in some cases, snacks. It's overwhelming, and not great for your bank account. That's why we all love it when airlines run crazy sales — and JetBlue is doing it right now, so if you're planning on flying in the next few weeks, you'll want to pay attention. JetBlue’s flash sale includes one-way tickets for as low as $20, which is cheaper than some train tickets! But make sure you grab these soon, as they're only available until 11:59pm on October 25th.

Of course, as with any other big sale like this, there's a catch: These prices are for very specific flights, and most are only available in November, with a few in October. So if you're looking for flights to a specific city in the next few weeks, you might want to check out what they offer and see if that city is among them - you can get flights for ridiculously cheap. But if you're looking to book a holiday after November and want more departure and arrival options, you probably won't be impressed by this sale. Oh, and if you're traveling around Thanksgiving, it's no surprise that these dates don't work for you, as this can be one of the most expensive times of year to fly.

You can check out all the deals on JetBlue's website , and of course, some are better than others. Some of the best deals include a $20 flight from Boston to Philadelphia on October 31 at 6:51 a.m., a $20 flight from Boston to New York on November 6 at 10:51 p.m., and a $20 flight from Washington to Charleston. USD flights. There are also flights available in South Carolina on November 13 at 6:38 pm for $30, $40 and $60. But really, even if you end up spending $60 instead of $20, it's still an incredible deal. Better than spending hundreds!

Alison Joyce/Getty Images News/Getty Images

Most flights are along the East Coast, but some are not. For just $60, you can fly from New York to Aruba on the evening of November 27th - a hell of a deal for a trip to Aruba! The most expensive is a $90 flight from New York to Santiago, Dominican Republic on November 18, but even that is super cheap. If you're interested in doing some tropical activities before your vacation, you can fly from Tampa, Florida to San Juan, Puerto Rico on November 16 for $60.

It’s always nice to see airlines offering such flight deals as they can be very helpful for frequent travelers or people who want to travel somewhere to visit their loved ones but can’t afford regular air tickets. It’s nice to see that traveling once in a while is a little easier than usual.