Google’s new Flight Price Guarantee promotion is the easiest way to save money on the holidays

If you suffer from airfare-related anxiety that often leads you to wait until the last minute to book a flight only to end up paying too much, Google's new promotion has you and your bank account in mind. On August 8, Google Travel announced a Flight Price Guarantee promotion, which will be the easiest way to save money when booking a vacation for the rest of the summer.

Planning a vacation should be a fun time full of possibilities, but with airfares constantly fluctuating and airfare trends nearly incomprehensible to even the most dedicated travelers, it can get stressful — not to mention, press that This "book" is scary If you're a few months away from your departure date and aren't sure if prices will get cheaper later, click the button.

With a new promotion, Google is taking that stress away for the rest of the summer. Basically, combined with its new flight price tracking feature, Google Travel aims to ensure travelers who book through Google Flights get the best prices: The site will now tell you if you expect prices to change before you travel, and if changes occur. No, it will suggest you book now. But assuming the price does drop, even if it's just by a dollar — that's where Google's new promotion comes into play.

According to the folks at Google Travel in a press release, here's how the promotion will work: "While we predict no further price drops for select flights booked between August 13 and September 2, we This will be guaranteed and we'll refund the difference if it does." In other words, if you book a flight between August 13 and September 2 (your trip doesn't necessarily need to take place during this time). ) and it's part of a promotion where if the price ends up dropping, you can actually get a refund from the moment you book to the moment your flight takes off.

google travel

Details: Flights covered by this new feature must originate from the United States, have a domestic or international destination, and must have a departure date between August 13 and November 24, 2019 . If the price of your flight does drop before departure, Google will send you an email letting you know about this and providing details on how to get a refund.

It’s worth noting: the flight price prediction feature will not disappear after the event ends, so you can still book with confidence through Google’s predicted price details.

google travel

Google Travel is also rolling out follow-up features designed to make planning your trip even easier after booking a flight. This feature will guide you through the rest of your travel planning by recommending hotel and restaurant reservations and providing tour suggestions so you can make the most of your trip.

Basically, this feature will ensure that your booking matches your plans and tastes and will make consistent and logical recommendations. That said, you just have to bounce around town if you want.

google travel

You can check out all the new features on Google Travel. I think it’s safe to say now that it’s time to book our summer vacation with more confidence than we’ve ever had!