Strange things happen to your body when you fly

Whether you're a travel enthusiast or not, anyone who's ever flown on an airplane knows that strange things can happen to your body when you fly. You may not even realize the impact flying has on you when you're actually sitting on the plane - but it sure does. Of course, everyone knows that when you fly to a new time zone or have to catch a red-eye flight, you can expect to feel exhausted for a day or two; jet lag is no fun. But what many people don’t realize is that flying can actually affect more than just how your body functions and feels.

Of course, if you have a genuine fear of flying or have specific medical issues that could cause complications while flying, don't hesitate to consult a medical professional before taking to the skies. Even if others don't experience the same challenges you do when it comes to flying, your health and comfort are important. When it comes to your body, knowledge is always power; knowing how your travel may affect your body before boarding may help you better anticipate and manage possible side effects from flying.

Still, even regular people encounter some pretty weird things while flying. Here are five of them:

1. Your taste buds become dull

We've all heard the joke: airplane food is bland, but some research suggests the problem may not be the food itself. A 2010 study conducted by Lufthansa showed that when you fly, the dry air on the plane can cause nasal mucus to evaporate and the nasal mucosa to swell, both of which can affect your taste buds. In the same study, researchers found that our perception of sweet and salty tastes decreases by up to 30 percent when we're in the air. No wonder the food on our flight tasted bland.

2. Air pressure can affect your teeth

According to Dr. Thomas P. Connelly, writing for The Huffington Post, changes in air pressure that occur during flights can cause tiny gases to become trapped in tooth fillings or areas of decay , resulting in a large number of tooth loss. pain. I never considered how flying would affect my teeth, but it's a fact I'll never forget!

3. Your skin loses moisture

If you've ever stepped off a plane and wondered if your skin felt unusually dry and tight, you're not alone. Between the dry circulating air and cabin pressure, most people lose moisture from their skin while flying. While you can always apply lotions or other products to your skin, moisturizing is actually key, not only to hydrate your skin but also to your overall health. So drink plenty of water while you’re in the air!

4. Flying may cause gas in the body to expand

As the plane ascends and cabin pressure drops, gas typically diffuses through our intestines. Fluctuations in gas in your body can cause pain and lead to bloating, so be sure to go to the bathroom to urinate if this happens to you. Interestingly, these gas fluctuations can also affect your ears. You know that feeling when you need to “pop” your ears while flying? This is usually due to improper air pressure caused by the aforementioned gas fluctuations.

5. Flying exposes you to UV rays

Some scientific studies actually reveal some real risks to the skin from flying. In a study of melanoma cases among flight attendants and pilots, researchers found that flight attendants were more than twice as likely to develop melanoma as the general population. Research suggests this may be because when you fly, you are exposed to stronger UV rays, and airplane windows may not adequately protect you from UV rays. Don’t forget sunscreen!

Image source: © Santiago Urquijo/Moment/Getty Images ; Jiffy(5)