These things are just the norm in America

Honestly, I am constantly amazed by the differences and diversity that exist in the world around me. One thing that particularly interests me is when I think about things that would be acceptable in American society but might not fly abroad. Of course, it's important to remember that even within the United States, we have a variety of customs, and customs vary from place to place, so saying something is "the norm" in a certain part of the country may not mean Explain how common this custom is. It's on the other coast. Still, when you look at common trends and themes across cultures around the world, you'll see huge differences in what we expect from our daily lives.

Even though I haven’t been to many places abroad, I’m always fascinated when I’m able to learn about life across the ocean. That's why I was so interested in a recent AskReddit thread in which users discussed the question: "What is acceptable in American society but not elsewhere?" The thread was only a few hours old, and it was already closed Thousands of comments to the point - it's clear that people have some very strong feelings about this topic.

Indeed, there were a variety of responses – many of which specifically commented on social norms involving being in the public eye and inhabiting public spaces. In my opinion, this creates a very interesting dimension to this question, because what we consider "rude" or "abnormal" in public may be very different from what we do in the comfort of our own homes. This is a great example of how complex cultures are and how exciting it is to learn more about places and people far away from our homes.

Here are 10 of the responses I found most interesting; head to AskReddit to learn more.

1. Respect personal space

While this of course varies from place to place, I've definitely noticed myself that some cultures are more comfortable using PDAs outside of relationships than we are here in the US. While physical contact among friends and family is certainly normal, Americans are sometimes surprised to learn how generous people in other countries can be.

2. Mixing of religion and politics

I mean, yes, we do have a separation between church and state - but religion does seem to be brought into our politics a lot. We often hear politicians talk about things like "blessing America," but in other countries, this doesn't seem to be that common.

3. Tipping culture

If there's one thing I've heard my international friends comment on, it's that tipping culture in the United States can be very confusing. In some countries, tipping is definitely the norm, but not in all countries. In fact, this practice is considered rude in some quarters.

4. Small talk

It's one of those things that depends on where you are in the country; for example, I'm from the Northeast, where small talk is definitely not the norm unless you already know the person you just met. That said, I've had absolutely random, friendly conversations with strangers when I've visited the South, so I can see how this could be surprising to someone who's completely unaccustomed to it.

5. There are flags everywhere

In the United States, you can see the American flag flying almost everywhere, including on our clothes, accessories, and decorations. While other countries are certainly proud of their flags, they don't necessarily adorn them on vests and tote bags like we do here.

6. How our politicians fund their campaigns

There are certainly other countries where politicians raise money independently for their campaigns, but our system is a little different than in a lot of places. (That's probably why it's become such a hot topic this election cycle.)

7. Intensity of Advertising

Advertising is everywhere; in fact, some believe consumer culture is sweeping the country. We seem to have a lot of TV shows.

8. Take leftovers home

In the United States, asking for leftovers to be taken away is the norm at most restaurants. But in other cultures, this is less common. (Eddie Izzard’s move was a success.)

9. Right to bear arms

This may seem surprising, but it’s true: not all countries have a constitutional right for their citizens to bear arms. This point tends to be a large part of the debate over gun reform in the United States.

10. Move out and go to college

For many people, the norm is not to move out and go to college or get their first job, but to stay at home. For some cultures it's about family bonds and the responsibility to help around the house, while for others it's about conserving funds until people have enough to support themselves. Regardless, not everyone moves into a dorm as a freshman in college.