All the places in your car you never thought to disinfect

While everyone agrees on the importance of handwashing during the coronavirus pandemic, other important cleaning practices have received less attention. Commuting may be canceled for now, but you should still know how to properly clean and disinfect your car in case you need to run to the grocery store or see the doctor. No matter how many times you apply hand sanitizer, if your steering wheel is dirty, you're likely to pick up germs every time you put your hands on 10 and 2.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says, “Cleaning and disinfecting visibly dirty surfaces are best practices for preventing COVID-19 and other viral respiratory illnesses in homes and community settings.” In other words, to keep visibly dirty surfaces For you to be able to properly disinfect your car or any surface, it must first be clean. Disinfection kills germs that are invisible to the naked eye, while cleaning removes germs that are visible to the naked eye. For example, you can remove coffee stains from your car's cup holders, but that doesn't mean the cup holders are sanitized .

For your car, dealer-approved cleaners may not combat resilient viruses that can survive on surfaces for many days. However, the automotive experts at Kelley Blue Book warn car owners not to use bleach or hydrogen peroxide inside their vehicles. "Both chemicals are effective at destroying the coronavirus, but they can also cause damage to the vinyl and plastics used in most modern vehicles today ." Instead, they recommend choosing bleach-free disinfecting wipes or soap and warm water.


Before you start cleaning your car, make sure you open your windows or doors to avoid trapping yourself in a small space filled with chemicals. Before you start killing germs, clean and wipe down your car, even if it looks clean. Remember: You can't disinfect your car without removing the dirt first. Next, read the label of any cleaner you're using and follow the intended instructions carefully.

Thoroughly disinfect the steering wheel

Your steering wheel may not look dirty, but it's actually four times dirtier than a toilet seat, according to a 2019 study from To clean it, you'll want to use disinfecting wipes and make it a habit to do this every time you get in your car. When cleaning your car, avoid using bleach and peroxide—use at least a 60% alcohol solution and/or Clorox wipes to achieve the desired level of cleaning. Make sure to wipe every inch of the steering wheel, not just where you think you're holding it.

Wipe handles, buttons, gears, and knobs—anywhere you touch them

Grace Cary/The Moment/Getty Images

If your car has a touch screen, you'll want to use a microfiber cloth to avoid damaging the screen surface. Apple recently said that Clorox disinfecting wipes can be used on touch screens, so you should have no problem wiping your car screen with them. This may take a long time and multiple wipes, but it's crucial to wipe down every button, knob, dial, gear, and crevice. Make sure you don't just clean the top of the button - you should also clean the underside of the button, where you actually touch it. Clean cup holders, fuel cap, trunk handles, wipers, turn signals, dashboard and armrests. And don't forget to press knobs on radios, knobs on vents, windows (you might cough and sneeze on them), sun visors, and open mirrors. Assume you'll be judged on your cleaning skills using a UV black light—anywhere that might harbor germs needs to be scrubbed, wiped, or sprayed with disinfectant.

Clean the interior gently

If your car's interior is leather, you can still use alcohol and/or Clorox wipes for cleaning since they don't contain bleach, but be aware that they will dry on the surface. Yahoo! Finance recommends using soap and water instead of alcohol-based cleaners on leather to minimize the drying effect. According to Vox, if you do use an alcohol-based cleaner, a small amount of alcohol can go a long way, and you'll want to use a leather conditioner to rehydrate after cleaning. Make the most of every inch of space in your car, from seats and headrests to partitions.

Spray and vacuum carpets

If you have the means to vacuum your car at home, this is ideal, as public vacuum cleaners and gas stations will become germ hotspots. At the very least, if you don't have access to a vacuum, use Lysol disinfectant spray and go to town cleaning your car's carpets and any cloth upholstery.

Disinfect your annoying keys

Grace Cary/The Moment/Getty Images

Your car keys are dirty, now is the time to clean them. But before you can disinfect them, you need to remove the dirt first. If you have a plastic keychain, remove it from the keychain and wipe it down with disinfectant. If you have metal keys, separate them from any plastic or electronic items and place them in a bowl. Pour warm water and a few drops of dish soap into a bowl. Shake your keys around in this tub, and if you have an extra toothbrush or a small scrubber, you can bring it in and really remove the dirt. Next, dry the key and wipe it with isopropyl alcohol and/or disinfecting wipes.

Reduce bacteria brought into the car

Getting natural gas is not optional, so you must proceed with caution. You can wear cloth, rubber, or leather gloves as your suction gloves while suctioning—just don't use latex gloves, because your doctor needs them more than you do. If you do use a glove, make sure it has its own special place, such as in a pocket on the side of your car door. Use it to open your gas tank, hold your gas pump, and process transactions. Then take it off and disinfect your hands. If you can use a credit card and don't have to go to the gas station at all, that's ideal. Keep hand sanitizer with you when refueling so you can sanitize your hands before returning to your vehicle.

Don't forget your bike


The number of bike-sharing riders has surged as people avoid public transportation. According to the New York Times , the number of shared bike users in New York City alone increased by 67% last month. The more riders there are, the more bacteria there will be, so you need to minimize the things you touch and make sure the things you touch are clean. Use antibacterial wipes to clean handlebars, gauges, brakes and seats. Under no circumstances should you touch your face while riding a bike, so make sure your hair is tied up before setting off. If you want to be extra safe, Consumer Reports recommends wearing gloves while biking and avoiding biking altogether if you feel uncomfortable.

If you think you have symptoms of coronavirus, including fever, shortness of breath and cough, call your doctor before getting tested. If you are concerned about the spread of the virus in your community, visit the CDC for the latest information and resources, or to seek mental health support. You can find all of Bustle's coronavirus coverage here.