Why do airplane windows not align with seats?

If you choose a window seat on a flight, you can usually expect picturesque views of clouds and mountains, as well as a cozy nook to lounge. But too often, we push our carry-on luggage overhead, sit down, and then find ourselves wondering why the airplane seats don't line up with the windows. YouTube channel Today I Found Out tackles this thorny issue, explaining in a new video why the term "window seat" might be a bit misleading. The mystery is solved!

According to presenter Simon Whistler, when the aircraft was built, the original design was to place the seats directly next to the windows and use industry-standard rows. However, the seats are removable and mounted on tracks on the aircraft floor, meaning airlines can choose to change the seat position to meet different capacity needs and passenger comfort guidelines.

Whistler explains that the tracks "[allow] seats to be easily moved closer or out of the way," allowing for a more flexible layout. This, in turn, can result in seat placement on the plane looking a bit "random", with some windows aligned with the seats and some partially blocked (and even some emergency exits slightly blocked). And, as Whistler points out, airlines rarely adhere to manufacturers' predetermined seating arrangements.

For example, Boeing apparently recommends that their 777 aircraft have three rows of three seats each. This arrangement is based on internal Passenger Comfort research, which found that passengers don't like sitting directly next to someone. Airlines often choose different seating arrangements, such as the popular two-five-two seats (i.e. two window and aisle seats, five seats in the middle, another aisle, and then two more window seats with the windows opposite) , which may cause the window to be misaligned with the seat.

Airlines usually try to fit as many passengers as possible on each flight. Profitability and competitive pricing affect seat layout, which affects—you guessed it—legroom. Whistler noted that for short-haul flights, ticket price is often the deciding factor, so airlines tend to arrange seats so more people can fit on board. For this reason, your window seat rarely offers an unobstructed view of the two-and-a-half-hour jaunt from New York to Chicago.

The amount of space (or "pitch") between your seat and the seat in front of you also comes into play in this Airline Seat Tetris game. Arrangements usually look like this, depending on which airline you're flying:

The width between seats is also shrinking – so get ready to get cozy with your neighbors!

If you've always wondered why the view out your window isn't great, it might be because of the way airlines choose to arrange their seats. If I wanted to enjoy the view at 40,000 feet, I guess I'd have to fly business class.

Image: Suwinai Sukanant / 500px / 500Px Plus / Getty Images , TodayIFoundOut / YouTube