Where to go for spring break based on your zodiac sign

With spring here comes the final planning stages for that sweet midway break college students crave—and I'm obviously talking about where you should spend your spring break. With so many options to choose from, it's always a challenge to have a solid plan as you tackle exams, papers, and your future degree. Should you go to Cancun or tear up the snow on Big Bear Island? Travel the world or stay local? What if you just curled up in a ball and binge-watched all the Gilmore Girls shows? so. many. different. options.

I had two big spring breaks in college. Twice I drove to Vermont and stayed in my best friend’s timeshare cabin, surrounded by snowy mountains. It was like a real life Breakfast Club because I only knew one person and the rest were strangers. It's fair to say that we all had a great time, as the following year the team came to Vermont. While it wasn't the typical version of spring break seen in movies and TV, we had a great time. What I’m trying to say is that you shouldn’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone in order to have a great half-term break. If you're still wondering what to do this year, I'm here to offer a solution that seems simple, effective, and a little outside the box. This year you should choose where to go for spring break based on your zodiac sign! So sit back, find your sign and enjoy!


As the first sign of the zodiac, Aries is always a trendsetter. You'll set the pace, so don't be afraid to push your friends to new and exciting places. Since Aries' zodiac sign is the Ram, I recommend staying somewhere with dense forests and mountains. Yellowstone National Park has some great options for camping and cabin rentals so you and your friends can all take a much-needed vacation. Bonus: a real ram!


As a member of the horned family, Taurus is often willful and pursues material wealth. You may want to stick to places that have great shopping and plenty of places to find souvenirs for the whole family. Lucky for you, there are plenty of options to choose from. Taurus may find New Orleans to be one of the more fun places to spend spring break this year. Imagine all those beignets…


As an intellectual sign, Gemini loves to learn from experience and seek out new information. They also tend to be very talkative. Why not use your spring break to visit all of New York City’s museums? This way you can learn a lot while also talking to your friends without getting shushed.


People born under the sign of Cancer tend to be very family-oriented. They love to put down roots and spend time at home. They seek comfort in different aspects of their lives, so spring break should be no different. Why not invite your friends to stay at your childhood home this year? Home cooking, family and the best part - you don't have to spend a lot of money on plane tickets!


Leos love attention and are creative. These people are often seen as the face of a sport or project. We all wish we were them all the time! I think Leo will have a great time exploring Hollywood and visiting all the amazing studios. Not only will you be in the center of entertainment, but Los Angeles nightlife is perfect for a Cancun beach vacation!


We are lucky to have a Virgo in our lives. More than any other sign, they enjoy helping others and are very detail-oriented. With this winning combination, I think this year would be a great opportunity to go on a volunteer trip to a place that needs your help. There are hundreds of university volunteer programs around the world. With their brand of empathy and helpfulness, many communities could benefit from Virgos donating their time.


Libras value balance, which is why their symbol is a scale. More than other zodiac signs, these people benefit from spending spring break with their partner because they are very passionate about love. This doesn’t necessarily mean you have to travel with a partner – a partner can just be a close friend! Instead of traveling with a big group, why not take a road trip with someone who can perfectly suit your needs? Just make sure you and your partner discuss a route you can both enjoy – fair is fair. You can also use this handy app to plan your trip.


If you're a Scorpio, you're probably a very straightforward person who likes to be in control of your own destiny. It might be in your best interest to spend this spring break alone. Take some time to pamper and treat yourself. This might mean going to the spa or even hosting some exciting events during the week.


As a Sagittarius, you have a thirst for knowledge. Philosophy, religion, and mysticism will all interest you. If you're willing to save up the money and put in the effort, traveling to Thailand and exploring their culture and cuisine is right up your alley. Obviously this may not be the most cost effective trip, but if you really want a once in a lifetime experience, this is it!


If there is one characteristic of Capricorns, it is that they are very hard-working people and have business acumen. They don’t mind investing time to achieve their goals. If you want to do something fun this spring break, why not use your time to find an internship? As a Capricorn, I know you are always planning and researching everything! Use your social media skills to find companies you would like to work for.


As an Aquarius, I know we tend to be conflicted. We love having friends around us, but we also need plenty of space. This is why choosing what to do becomes very difficult. We have no problem traveling, but whether to go with a group of friends or by yourself is always a tough decision. Here’s why you might want to take a solo trip to a friend’s house this year! This gives you enough time to travel alone while still having face time to feel connected to your friends. This is a plus for those of you who live near the beach – Aquarius is a water sign!


The logo of these guys happens to be two fish circling each other, symbolizing their dual personalities. Pisces is happy to help others, but is also very attuned to their own needs. This might be the year to spend time at the beach with friends, sipping margaritas, or hiking in the desert. Since I believe in change, I would recommend the latter. Joshua Tree Park is a stunning getaway for those Pisces looking for a change. Camp under the stars and climb century-old rocks surrounded by cracked dirt and sand.

Photo: skynesher/E+/Getty Images ; Jiffy