5 Celebrities Who Tweet to Their Fans

01 out of 05

Do you like Daniel Tosh's humor? If so, you'll love his X feed. Similar to his comedy, most of Tosh's interactions with fans on X involve insulting and making fun of someone. In almost every episode of his TV show Tosh.0 , he shares tweets from fans or suggests new things for people to tweet.

Tosh often asks fans questions and retweeted their answers on the air. Before you talk to him, make sure you want the answers on TV.

02 out of 05

It's no secret that Taylor Swift loves her fans. She was even quoted as saying that she spends most of her time on the internet checking her fans' social media accounts.

When you view Swift's X profile, she may be viewing yours as well. Swift has been interacting with her fans, which includes X. She even invited fans to her private home to screen her CD.

03 out of 05

X With over 56 million followers, it's surprising that Justin Timberlake has the time to connect with his fans, but he finds the time. Timberlake often responds to fans by retweeting their tweets or announcing that he will take the time to answer their questions.

If you see a tweet like this, ask him whatever you want. He carefully examines all questions he receives and answers many of them immediately. He may respond, or he may not, but either way, you know you didn't miss your chance!

04 out of 05

Demi Lovato has a soft spot for her fans. She often responds to fans on X by directly replying or retweeting their tweets. Her fan base is also loyal.

After being insulted by comedian Kathy Griffin, Lovato's loyal X fans bombed Griffin's page, making so many threats that Griffin needed to get the police involved. Lovato stepped in and asked her fans to back off, even after Griffin was insulted.

If you're brave enough to talk to a celebrity, Lovato is a great person to tweet about.

05 out of 05

Like your dog? There's a good chance Elliot Page will do the same. Want him to rename your dog? Just tweet a picture of your pet to the young actor and he'll come up with a new name for your furry friend.

No dog? Tweet about your animals, no matter their species. In addition to renaming animals, he often retweets or replies directly to his followers, so be sure to stay in touch, especially if you have anything humorous to add to the conversation.