Hinge’s new NFAQ feature demystifies queer dating

It’s no secret that one of the many dilemmas of love in the age of technology is how to get around dating app culture. As a queer person, the process can be even more complicated. Whether it's noticing that your LGBTQ+ dating app pool feels much smaller than the straight dating pool or discovering that many dating apps don't have options to confirm gender identity, queer users often find themselves running into app FAQs (or even is their trusted group chat) cannot be answered. According to Hinge, 80% of LGBTQIA+ users on the app said they struggled to find resources to help them date.

But Hinge is trying to create a more open dialogue around these issues by publishing an NFAQ (Not Frequently Asked Questions) page. NFAQs debuted on August 9, giving Hinge users a forum to get their queer dating questions answered by trusted queer voices.

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The new features are available in Hinge's in-app help center and online. So whether you're a steady swiper or have stopped using apps but are looking for real-life dating advice, NFAQ can provide some clarity on the queer dating scene. Here are some frequently asked questions on Hinge's NFAQ.

What is the NFAQ function on the hinge?

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Hinge's NFAQ section serves as a forum for queer people to ask for dating advice—both specific advice about online dating and general advice. Hinge recruited a team of trusted queer voices to provide personal answers to these questions.

So far, Hinge has released a feature with eight questions, each answered by a different expert. Some questions include: "How do I start dating if I'm not ready to come out?" and "How can I better feel my gender is affirmed in the early stages of dating?"

These tips and answers are intended to start an ongoing conversation around topics that are rarely discussed in the queer dating community. According to Hinge's website, NFAQ is part of the brand's larger effort to support LGBTQIA+ community centers across the country, such as Affirmations LGBTQ+ Community Center and the Brooklyn Community Pride Center.

Who are the experts on Hinge's NFAQ page?

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Hinge's NFAQ experts so far include Vacancy Project founder and hairstylist Masami Hosono; Shahem McLaurin, licensed social worker and therapist; Phillip Picardi, former magazine editor; Tara Raani, author , actor and filmmaker; Dr. Darien Sutton, emergency medicine physician; Mimi Zhu, author and artist of "Don't Be Afraid of Love."

How to submit your own question to Hinge NFAQ

Screenshot of the hinge.

At the bottom of the NFAQ online login page and the in-app page, there is a section with a "Submit" button. This section indicates that your question may appear on the NFAQ website or promotional materials, but there is no guarantee that every question will be answered.