Why use X (formerly Twitter)? How to get started for beginners

"What is X (formerly Twitter)?" and "Why should I use it?" are among the most common questions unconverted people have about social networking sites. With text messaging, various social networking sites, and blogs, why is X useful?

X has many great business uses, such as sending out newsletters or promoting the latest job vacancies. Still, X has more personal benefits.

Many people forget that X was originally used as a Weibo platform. It's still one of the best benefits. It's easy to send out a quick tweet telling the world what you're doing, how good your morning coffee tastes, or how terrible your lunch is.

Crowdsourcing ideas has never been faster! You can ask the X-Universe questions about everything from the capital of Alaska to your thoughts on a specific brand of baby food. The more friends you have, the more detailed answers you receive.

There are some web services that take advantage of this feature, so don't worry if you don't have a lot of followers. You can still get your questions answered by tweeting @answers.

Whether you've been laid off or are tired of your current job, X can help you find a new job. You can announce to the world that you are looking for a job and many companies will post job openings on X.

From newspapers to magazines to television stations and cable news, it seems like everyone considers X the coolest thing since sliced ​​bread. The cool part is that X is a great way to keep track of the news.

Want to stay on top of the news but don't want your feed to clutter up? Use an X client such as TweetDeck.

X Make it easy to arrange a time and place for the gathering. It's like a conference call with text messages. So if you have lunch with a group of people regularly or want to schedule a get-together, X might be a great way to schedule a time and place that works for everyone.

Just like following the news, organizing your friends into a list can be handy if you have a lot of followers.

We all have those days. Whether it's someone cutting in front of us in traffic or drinking the wrong type of coffee, it's the little things that can sometimes put us in a bad mood throughout the day.

Wise advice is to talk it out, but to whom? Venting to your boss may not be wise. This is where X comes in, as it allows you to unleash your anger on millions of people. You might get some sympathetic tweets from it, too.

Just remember to look at the language.

X's search feature is a great way to track trends or keep up with a specific topic. If you're a sports fan, this can be a great way to connect with your team. There are many sports players on X, you also have the media and millions of fans to keep you updated on the latest and greatest.

Can't watch TV when your favorite team is playing? Follow the tweets on X. You'll get regular score updates and interesting comments.

Just like following your favorite sports team, you can also use the search function to see the latest popular movies in theaters. Sure, you can check out critics' reviews, but their opinions don't always line up with what most people think of the film.

X can be a great way to determine if a movie is a bomb or a hit, so you don't have to waste your money on a really bad one.

President Trump is known for his use of X, and other politicians are increasingly turning to social media sites. X provides a way for politicians to spread their message and stay in touch with voters. What better way to tell your senators how you feel about a critical vote than by sending them a tweet?

Politics on X goes beyond following politicians. The #metoo movement on X went viral in late 2017 as a movement against sexual harassment and assault. Prior to this, political movements like the 2009 Iranian election crisis demonstrated the political power of X possible. It allowed Iranian citizens to break through the walls that Iran wanted to maintain throughout the incident and allowed people around the world to show their support by turning their profile pictures green.