What are memes?

A meme is a viral image embellished with text that often shares a poignant commentary on a cultural symbol, social idea, or current event. A meme is usually a photo or video, although sometimes it can also be a block of text. When a meme resonates with many people, it spreads through social platforms, text messages and emails. The more a meme spreads, the greater its cultural impact.

Here's a more in-depth look at what exactly a meme is, the different types of memes, and some meme examples.

Some memes stick around for a while because they represent something timeless that has always been true to people, like parenthood. Other memes are specific to specific events or ideas.

Evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins coined the word "meme" (rhymes with "team") in his 1976 bestseller "The Selfish Gene." While he doesn't know the future context as it relates to the Internet, he uses the word meme to describe ideas, behaviors, or styles in a culture that spread quickly from person to person. In his book, he likens the spread of memes to the spread of viruses. The word meme comes from the Greek word mimeme, which means something to imitate.

Decades later, Dawkins championed the appropriation of the term meme into the digital world. He said the new meaning wasn't far from his original interpretation.

Memes used to be the domain of 20-somethings. Yet internet users of all ages and all levels of digital savvy have adopted memes to express their feelings.

Memes are a worldwide social phenomenon. The more a meme resonates with people, the more they share it, and the further it will spread. Memes are often funny, but this humor is often infused with satirical political or social commentary.

Sometimes memes exist to bring shock value or teach life lessons. Sometimes a photo or short video can generate hundreds of hilarious interpretations. Sometimes a meme will only be appreciated by a select group of people, and other times a meme will have near-universal appeal.

Here are some popular meme categories and examples to give you a better idea of ​​the breadth and scope of these viral statements.

Memes can be static photos or animated GIFs, as long as the content is in a shareable format that appeals to others.

Popular memes are often funny, ranging from silly humor to niche humor to more pointed political humor. Kids, parenting, pets, and everyday life provide endless meme material.

Often, a funny image will spark a slew of memes, like this determined-looking kid clenching his hands into fists. The expression above mimics our New Year's Eve resolution to finally make a positive change.

The same image represents the feeling of satisfaction and triumph we feel when we receive a windfall.

Sometimes memes offer simple, fun humor that most people can enjoy, like this Pavlovian joke:

Cute animals feature prominently in harmless humor memes, like these adorable ducklings:

Funny memes often appeal to specific groups, such as parents:

Bro memes are a popular subgroup of memes that appeal to a lot of people:

Other classic and famous funny memes include:

  • grumpy cat emoticon
  • plank meme
  • successful kid meme
  • Distracted Boyfriend Emoticon
  • chuck norris facts meme
  • michael jordan emoticon
  • Kermit the Frog Emoticon
  • Keyboard cat expression pack
  • rolling meme
  • Joseph Ducreux Memes
  • The funniest person in the world emoticons
  • keep calm emoticon pack

Some memes have a biting sense of humor. These memes make a point, argue with others, take a provocative stance, or use darker themes, like the meme above that makes use of an unfortunate title.

Other memes deal with more controversial topics, such as the Area 51 raid plans:

Or flat earth movement:

Other dark humor memes include:

  • honey badger meme
  • cash me out meme
  • angry german kid meme
  • Dog goes to heaven emoticon pack
  • Woman yelling at cat
  • sad keanu emoticon
  • Michael Jackson eating popcorn emoticon
  • Topless Putin Meme
  • Scumbag Steve emoticon pack
  • Condescending and sarcastic Willy Wonka meme

Social commentary colors many memes, touching on topics that are very popular on the internet, such as drinking.

Often, memes involve different views on social norms, such as memes about not wanting to have children:

More social commentary memes include:

  • wine memes
  • flu meme
  • Keanu conspiracy meme
  • first world problems meme
  • It's none of my business emoticon
  • Check your permissions memes

In some cases, memes have gained notoriety as a form of conversational expression. As in the example above, the phrase "Meanwhile in..." has created a series of memes that show what life is like elsewhere.

Other conversation memes include:

  • Who are you? meme
  • Shot emoticon pack
  • you mad bro? meme
  • catchphrase memes

World events provide endless fodder for memes, with humor that is sometimes pointed, sometimes silly, and sometimes painful. Like the meme above, the period of social isolation has given rise to thousands of memes that tap into the dark humor of shared experiences.

The brief murder hornet scare is another example:

Brexit is a rich source of memes:

The Super Bowl provides endless meme fodder, as illustrated by this 2019 Adam Levine halftime show meme:

Other current topic memes:

  • broom challenge emoticon pack
  • LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Tinder memes
  • tiger king emoticon package
  • don't touch your face emoticon

Our favorite TV shows provide plenty of meme fodder, like the Game of Thrones example above. Other favorite meme-worthy TV shows include The Office :

More meme-generating TV shows include:

  • friends memes
  • big bang theory memes
  • parks and recreation memes
  • M*A*S*H Meme

There are endless types of memes, ranging from mundane, everyday topics to important life and world events. More content is created and shared every day, and new material is constantly becoming available.

If you're inspired by an image or video you've come across, use the meme generator to make your own meme and see if it resonates with others. Visit Know Your Memes to research memes or get inspired.