The 9 most confusing bathroom signs in existence

You know how it goes: You're at a trendy new restaurant, bar, or club. Nature's call comes, so, you notice it (as any responsible person would do), politely excuse yourself and head to the bathroom. When you arrive, however, you'll find yourself looking at two doors... and two confusing symbols. While you might guess that these symbols are meant to indicate which door leads to the men's room and which door leads to the women's room, they themselves seem to be completely meaningless. So what now? Well, you think. Funky bathrooms are the worst.

But don't worry. College humor touches your pain; so they've created a hilarious new short film to show us we're not alone in our confusion. If you've ever sat there for 10 minutes, feeling increasingly uncomfortable, trying to figure out which door you should go through...this door is for you.

Of course, the solution to the whole problem might be very simple: de-gender the bathroom in the first place. Just imagine how many problems would be solved if all bathrooms were gender neutral: no one would have to worry about violating some weird, completely artificial social convention anymore! What about this idea?

So, you know, the next time you find yourself in the situation detailed below, now you know what to do: just run right in. If you're wrong, go to hell. who cares? The bathroom signs are stupid anyway.

1. Parrot Du

I appreciate that this KFC location leaves no ambiguity...but I don't quite like the comparison to what I eat when I go to the toilet. This is so strange.

2. Any cutting method

According to the description of this image, this is a neutral bathroom. I appreciate that fact, but again – what’s with the food analogy? Can't we just put a plus sign or something else that indicates inclusivity on an easy-to-understand symbol?

3. Headless horse (female) person

I won't go in! If this sign is to be believed, people were beheaded there!

4. Captain Underpants

Um...I guess...the pair on the left are tights...meaning "men"...and the pair on the right are...thongs? Does it mean "woman"? Or something else?

5. Put down the microphone

Only ABBA members can use this bathroom.

6. upside down

This feature can only be used when performing a handstand while walking. PS Like the pizza, this sign purportedly indicates that this is a gender-neutral bathroom. I don't see how "peeing upside down" equates to gender neutrality, but maybe that's just me.

7. Space Age

In the future, we all look the same. Plus, each of us only has one pointed, triangular leg.

8. On the fence

Let's all agree that if there's just one bathroom-related social custom we're bound to observe, it's not to peek across the barrier at people in cubicles. That's so rude, right?

9. Angels and Demons

…I don’t even know what to do with this. ah. I give up.

Image: CollegeHumor/YouTube; Dchantastic, dingatx, Johnny Vulcan, esrad, joygigantic, lindaasulnd, irinaslutsky, _juri_, carolynhack/Flickr