If Maya were big A, "PLL" would change forever

That's it, guys. Tuesday night we finally found out who Big A is on Pretty Little Liars . Theories about who might be the culprit have been circulating for weeks, with just about everyone being targeted. But one theory fans should really take seriously is that the PLL will reveal Maya as Big A.

In fact, this is not a difficult conclusion to draw. I think we can safely (and you can safely do anything when it comes to the PLL ) boil down the Big A to three main contenders: Andrew Campbell, the Master of Scouting Pathfinders, and Aria's "They From The boyfriend who never really built this up but just "goes with it" I guess; Ezra Fitz is the obvious choice; and Maya St. Germain, Emily is supposedly dead, or is she? ? Ex-girlfriend. Of the three, I really thought Maya would be it. Her whole True North disappearing act seems pretty fishy to me, and now it's possible that Maya was Ali's roommate shortly before she received her "guilty" verdict. Of course, there are some theories that Ali and Maya are somehow connected, although I don't know if I would necessarily believe those.

Regardless, Big A Reveal is about to change everything. But if it turns out to be the Mayans, there's really no going back. If Maya had always been A, the PLL would have changed forever.

We will never believe that someone is really dead

If Maya is still alive nearly three seasons after we believed she was dead, who's to say Mona is too? I mean, of course, we saw her body in the trunk of that car, and Janelle Parrish has confirmed in several interviews that Mona is indeed dead. But give me a riddle: Where did Mona's body go? Personally, I don't think it's actually in that bucket. Maybe her plan to fake her own death worked out just as she planned.

Regardless, if it turns out that Maya is A, we're going to need to seriously backtrack and get some information on all the PLL deaths we've seen over the past five seasons.

All liars' relationships are questioned

It's a bit of a "fool me once, shame on you, lie to me twice, shame on me" situation. I mean, think about it: Maya is (is?) Emily's ex-girlfriend. If she proves to be a big A, it will be the third time a girl's significant other has or is believed to have some kind of A connection. This happened to Ezra, way back in the days before we found out he was actually writing a book about Alison, and it happened to Toby when he thought joining Mona was for protection Spencer's only way. The only girl who hasn't experienced this is Hannah (I swear to God, if Caleb even pretends to be Big A, I'm going to lose my mind). Like I said, lie to me once...

We need to know whose body the police actually found

That's right - if Maya is still alive and wandering around Rosewood as Big A, then the police found another body in the DiLaurentis' backyard that night, and we need to figure out who it was. Maybe this is Sarah Harvey's body? Regardless, all we know about the body is that police believe it's Maya's. No confirmation or any further details were ever given about their discovery. Just some food for thought.

True North to become new Radley Nursing Home

When Maya's parents discovered she was smoking marijuana, she was allegedly sent to True North, a kind of rehab camp. We know next to nothing about this place, except that the Mayans are said to have spent time there, so maybe there's more to it. Is this where she hid Mona's body? Is it A's lair? There are still many unanswered questions about True North, so it is likely that it will achieve the same level of mystery and prestige as Radley Sanatorium.

We might learn more about Lyndon James

While threatening Emily, Lyndon does a classic Bond villain move, ranting like crazy, confessing his crush on Maya, and even threatening to kill Peggy. But if Maya wasn't dead, why would he let Emily think he killed her? Is it just his illusion? It's possible, but something tells me Big A is too smart to recruit people who are completely out of touch with reality. I think if Maya is the mastermind behind all of this, then Lyndon isn't really dead (even though Emily is sure she killed him) and he will play a role in the next two seasons. Or could his pen name Nate St. Germain be his real name? It's possible that Nate and Maya are the twins that the PLL writers keep hinting at (although that's definitely a bit of an exaggeration).

Maya's website may be more important than we think

Around the same time Mona arrived in Radley, the con men discovered that Maya had a website. She posted videos and photos of her life there until the day she died. In hindsight, the website may have provided more information than they thought. After all, that 's how they discovered a connection between Maya and Noel Kahn (a connection that remains relatively unexplained). If Maya were the Big A, this site could provide answers to every question asked in PLL history.

Images: ABC Family (2); Prettylittleliars, Rosewood-Confession/Tumblr; Jiffy (2); Reblog