Your Tarot Reading for January

Let’s start 2024 with five tarot cards. I asked my tarot cards, "What do we need to know this month?" This January, the message is to be playful and wise, just like the New Year baby.

What are tarot cards?

Tarot cards are a divination tool originally used by the Roma when they arrived in Europe in the 15th century.

A century before that, the same type of playing cards was played in Italy.

How I read tarot cards

My Roma grandmother’s family business was tarot cards, palm reading and tea leaf fortune telling and she started teaching me when I was a young child. Through fortune-telling, my podcast Romanian Stan , and my other work, I celebrate Roma culture and educate others.

The five cards I created represent manifestation (your energy), situations (things around you), obstacles (struggles you face), actions (what to do); and lessons (what you will learn this month).

January 2024 Tarot Divination

Incarnation: Page of Pentacles

Page of Pentacles gives you the opportunity to be more interesting or experimental in how you make a living or thrive in the world. The pentagram represents health, wealth, work, family and abundance, while the page symbolizes a fun way to success. If you're thinking about trying something new in these areas, now is the time. Challenge yourself to make the most mundane elements of life, like cleaning your house or commuting, more interesting. Appeal to your inner child.

Scene: King of Swords

The King of Swords represents learning and decision-making. It’s time to recognize your intellectual strengths and make clear, rational choices. You may also have opportunities to study or teach. Your mind is a wonderful tool, and you need to believe in your ability to use it successfully in the pursuit of happiness.

Obstacle: Queen of Cups

When pulled as a barrier, the Queen of Cups indicates that you may be struggling with deep emotions that prevent you from being relaxed, connecting with your inner child, or making decisive changes. On the other hand, you may feel cold or empty inside. Extreme sensation and numbness are two sides of the same coin: overwhelming. If you feel this way, engage in practices that will help push you toward your center. Try activities that channel your emotions, such as journaling or creative writing. Find a physical outlet, such as chopping wood or running. Enjoy spiritual exercises including breathing or meditation.

Action: Queen of Swords

The Queen of Swords reminds you that everyone needs to take care of their own emotional health—yes, even you, you busy, independent badass. Use every resource you have to learn more about your feelings and obstacles; clarify your needs and what you can let go of. This card blesses you with the ability to tune out toxic people or situations and rid yourself of old versions of yourself forever.

Class: Page of Cups

The Page of Cups teaches you to have a sweet and compassionate inner dialogue with yourself. In many images of this card, the page is gazing at a fish in a cup. Your conscious mind is the page, your subconscious (or inner child) is the fish, and the two of you are having a loving conversation. You are learning to access your deepest self with compassion and curiosity. Pay attention to your feelings and get creative with your emotional needs.

How to Use the January 2024 Tarot Course

If a child comes to you crying, you may be concerned and want to help. You stop what you're doing and say, "What's up, man?" in your friendliest tone. Now, imagine doing the same thing to yourself the next time you feel fearful, angry, sad, or even numb. Stop, put your hand on your heart, and ask yourself with all the love you can muster: "What's wrong, man?"

Just as this month's embodiment is the Page of Pentacles, a card that encourages you to be playful and creative, the Page of Cups urges you to bring that same energy of innovation and experimentation to your emotional needs. It's the beginning of the year for many, so get back to the beginning of your own. What comforted you as a child? What makes you happy? Still strong? See if you can bring back some old tricks and give them new life.

In the spirit of the Page of Cups, meet The Gorgeous Witch, an artist, performer, tarot card reader, medium, and co-creator of the Living Altar Oracle Cards. Their work encourages you to look within with love and express yourself in new ways.