Three zodiac signs can help you draft the best text for your crush

Some people are good with words, especially when drafting risky texts. If you've been dying to message someone you like, they're the friends you want when you type in flirty words and cute confessions.

According to astrologer Stina Garbis, certain zodiac signs are always ready to help you text the person you like, thanks to their ruling planet, which may force them to play matchmaker, as well as their Elements. If your friend is a fire sign or an air sign, you can trust them to boost your confidence and dent your ego, even in the face of potential rejection.

These signs also love love, so they won't roll their eyes if you start talking about your crush. Instead, they're invested in helping you connect, and they'll also fuel your fantasies. These people will assure you that the person you like will like you back, and they will insist that texting is a good thing.

They're also in it for the excitement, and the opportunity to vicariously enhance your love life. These zodiac signs always spice up your Friday night by sending flirty messages and expressing your love. They'll egg you on, read your text messages over your shoulder, and ask you to add suggestive emojis.

Below, astrologers share the top three zodiac signs that will help you draft your words to your crush. They're brave, bold, always flirting - and best of all, they're not afraid to hit send.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

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One of the best matchmakers in the zodiac, Taurus always gets excited when texting and connecting with the person they like. "They are a sign ruled by Venus, so they love love," Garbis said.

They will sit with you and help you craft the perfect message, express your feelings eloquently, and if you start to feel nervous, they will encourage you in the best possible way.

This earth sign is very gentle when it comes to romance. "You can talk to them about relationships for hours," she said. "Taurus is our undercover love nut and loves all things silly." That said, they also have a playful side.

If you want to flirt with someone you like, a Taurus will help you come up with the most passionate, sexiest text messages to send. They always seem to have a partner by their side, so you can trust they know what they're doing.

Leo (July 23-August 22)

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If you hint that you want to text your crush in front of a Leo, they'll quickly grab your phone and do it for you.

This fire sign doesn't mess around when it comes to adventures, which means they're always ready to help their friends take action. Leo is ruled by the bright and shining Sun, so they love to be the center of attention, they're confident enough - and they're also great flirts.

"They'll type 'dtf?' and hit send just to annoy you," Garbis said. "It's a lot, but you can't even get mad at them because they're just doing something you dream of doing but you're too scared."

They're the friends you can turn to when you're on a night out and want to spice things up, and they'll also help boost your confidence the next day when you want to get your convoy going.

Libra (September 23-October 22)

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Libra is always ready to help you text your crush. This sign is ruled by Venus, the planet of love, so they'll be excited about the idea, and they'll want to play a role in matchmaking.

As a talkative air sign, they'll want to know all the details and backstory of your encounter, and then they'll use that information to help you craft a signature message.

If you don't text your crush within a reasonable amount of time, they'll start to get angry and frustrated, at which point they'll pull you aside and tell you to hit send. "They're going to get tired of you just talking about it and not taking any action, so they're going to find a way to get you two together," Garbis said.

Libras are the kind of friends who want nothing more than the best for you, so they'll calm your nerves by reading and re-reading texts, assuring you that it's not weird, and that they'll always keep you informed about hosting your future. wedding jokes.


Stina Garbis, astrologer