'Crazy Ex-Girlfriend' brings music to West Covina

Stalking your ex on Facebook is one thing, but actually traveling across the country (maybe) to meet your ex? It's a completely different story, and the main premise of The CW's new comedy series Crazy Ex-Girlfriend , which premieres Monday night. When lawyer Rebecca Bunch (co-writer Rachel Bloom) moves from New York to a pleasant California suburb called West Covina, where her ex-boyfriend Josh Chen lives, you might Wondering: Is West Covina a real place? Yes! It's so real, I've actually been there many times and a friend of mine grew up there. West Covina is located 20 miles east of Los Angeles in the San Gabriel Valley.

But in a state with so many locations, why West Covina? Co-creator and executive producer Erin Brosh McKenna (writer of The Devil Wears Prada ) recently told LA Weekly that the city seemed to have just what they were looking for. “We’re looking at Southern California suburbs,” McKenna said. "[Rachel and I] love the sound of the name. But I also think it's the epitome of the new suburbs because it has a lot of chain stores and it's also very ethnically diverse." It certainly sounds like both creators are hoping for a place in the West Get it right on Covina, but let's see if that's the case.

I watched the extended trailer for Crazy Ex-Girlfriend very carefully, and here's what I found true and false about the show's portrayal of West Covina.

Postal code - correct

When Josh (ex-boyfriend) told Rebecca he was moving to California, he mentioned zip code 91791, which indeed belongs to West Covina.

“2 hours from the beach, 4 hours in traffic” — True

Mark Ralston/AFP/Getty Images

In Los Angeles, it's best to assume there will be more traffic than you expect (it usually is), as a simple 20-minute drive can turn into two hours. My drive to West Covina is always about two to three hours, depending on traffic.

Big tacky shopping mall – real

In the trailer, Rebecca performs a big musical show at a cute strip mall in West Covina. Most cities outside of Los Angeles have beautiful, kitschy outdoor malls with huge movie theaters, food courts with free samples, and free parking (a rarity in Los Angeles).

Lovely house – real

In the trailer, Rebecca attends a house party at a very cute house in town. I have to say this is accurate because my friend who lived there grew up in a very gorgeous house with multiple bedrooms, bathrooms, and a garage. It's cute and suburban.

Spontaneous musical numbers – not when I’ve been

I'm disappointed to say that West Covina was very unmusical when I was there, but I did have some delicious boba at one place there, so at least it has that.

Giant pretzels – I hope so!

Another thing I have yet to see on my visits to West Covina. If they really had giant pretzels, I really think I should go there more often. Not to track the giant pretzel, but to be in the same vicinity as it. Just like Rebecca and Josh in Crazy Ex-Girlfriend.

Photo: Eddy Chen (2)/CW; Mallory Kara/Hustle/CW (3)