3 zodiac signs will be dragged down by the March New Moon

Whether or not the magic of Pisces season has descended on you, you'll feel the influence of your intuitive water sign on March 10, 2024, when the new moon sets at 5 a.m. ET (1 a.m. PT, daylight saving time begins shortly after) arrival. This is great news for those who dream big and create beautiful works of art, but for the signs most affected by the March 2024 New Moon, they're going to have to make some big changes to make those wishes come true.

The New Moon is a harbinger of change and renewal, which explains why you might be inspired to brave a radical rebrand during this phase of the lunar cycle. Because the new moon is entering idealistic Pisces, those who are hardest hit by this new moon may have a hard time getting out of trouble. For some, this means being shaken out of a fantasy world, prompting an urgent reach for the tissue box.

Things are further complicated by the presence of change-maker Uranus. "Uranus' alignment with the New Moon in Pisces allows people to seek freedom outside of their usual circumstances. [It's] a great opportunity to release past trauma and relationship baggage, especially if the eclipse involves partnerships and independence," Astrologer Lauren Ash tells Bustle.

Expect boundaries to be challenged as Saturn, the planet of discipline and structure, forms auspicious angle to the New Moon in Pisces. Pisces tends to shy away from responsibility, so if you're one of the signs most affected by the new moon, you may want to prepare for some tough love from Saturn.

Read on to find out if you're one of the zodiac signs most affected by the March 10 new moon, and if so, how to move forward with grace.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Get ready for change, Taurus. Jupiter, the planet of higher knowledge, and unpredictable Uranus are both active in your sign now, making you less likely to cling to old thought patterns. Two planets will join together on April 20, propelling you into the future. "This month's new moon in Pisces is a teaser, so keep an eye out for clues," says Ash. Watch for personal shifts, big and small, as they will allow you to pursue your greatest desires over the next month.

Aquarius (January 20 to February 18)

Try not to take things too personally, Aquarius. Your planetary ruler Uranus is squaring action-oriented Mars, placing the heavy weight of expectations squarely on your shoulders. "While others take this step without thinking, you face an inherent tension between the desire for freedom and the need for safety," Ashe said. This can be stressful, but try to maintain healthy boundaries.

Pisces (February 19 to March 20)

You may feel like the protagonist right now, Pisces, but some life lessons are about to befall you. "Where are you expending your energy with no return? Saturn in Pisces asks you to limit who you allow in your plans," Ashe says. This planet is all about patience and discipline, so be prepared—you might feel overwhelmed. If the moon feels like it's dragging you down, remember that these experiences will ultimately help you move the plot forward.


Lauren Ash, astrologer