What is a Borg? Gen Z’s drink of choice is taking off

Even if you think back fondly on your time in college, one thing you probably do without is Jungle Juice. Well, it looks like Gen Z has not only learned from our mistakes, but also upgraded the college party experience with a new concoction called BORG, which stands for "Blackout Rage Gallon." True. But what exactly is BORG? While the name may sound like a serious hangover is about to happen, Gen Z has been showing off their favorite versions of party drinks on TikTok, and there's actually more to BORG than meets the eye.

As you can probably tell from the name, BORG is a mixed drink made in empty gallons (yes, gallons) of water before or during a party. But don’t worry, because the jar isn’t filled with a gallon of pure alcohol. BORG is usually made from a combination of water, vodka and a flavor enhancer such as Mio, Crystal Lite or Kool-Aid. You can also add additional drinks, such as soda or juice, and as a main course, you can add some liquid IV to prevent a hangover. Allegedly.

Unlike Jungle Juice, there actually seems to be a crazy method to creating BORG. According to TikTok user @cooky_colin, all you need to do to make a BORG is:

  1. Get a gallon of water and pour out or drink half of it. (Considering what you're about to ingest, you should probably drink it).
  2. Pour one-fifth of a gallon (or the equivalent of 17 cups) of vodka into one gallon.
  3. Add flavor enhancer of your choice.
  4. Add liquid IV (optional).
  5. Cover and shake until combined.
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Once you've created your BORG, it's time to give it a name. Naming your BORG, if you choose, is an important part of the BORG culture as it gives your drink a touch of personality while also making it easy to keep track of. You can name your BORG anything you want, but it must be a play on the word "BORG", such as "Internal Borg" or "Bot".

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While obviously drinking a gallon of mixed drinks in one night isn't the best idea, there are some positives to the whole thing compared to traditional jungle juice. First, BORG doesn’t require you to drink from the same bucket of germs as everyone else at the party. Instead, you can make it however you want ahead of time. Plus, you don't have to share it with anyone you don't want to share it with, which is a great option considering what the world has been through over the past few years.

TikTok creator @justaddbuoy also pointed out that others can't tell if your gallon actually contains alcohol. So if you don't want to get drunk but don't want to spend the entire night explaining why you're not drinking, you can make your BORG non-alcoholic but still be able to rage all night long. A gallon of Kool-Aid doesn't sound too bad.

The fact that the BORG comes with a cap is also revolutionary as it makes it harder for people to tamper with your drink. Plus, the handle makes it very easy to carry, meaning you don't have to put down your drink to complete simple tasks like tying your shoes or texting your friend's address.

TikTok user @erin.monroe__, who is certified in substance abuse prevention in New York State, calls the Gen Z creation “really effective at harm reduction” because BORG allows people to decide for themselves what to drink, keep it in an airtight container, and Carry. In other words, BORG is just a cleaner, safer, and better version of jungle juice, and Gen Z is much more evolved than we thought.

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As with any alcoholic beverage, it's important to remember to pace yourself when drinking BORG. Since it's capped, there's no need or pressure to get it all done in one night, in fact, a gallon of BORG can get you through several nights if you choose. After all, it's called Black Out Rage Gallon for a reason, so be sure to drink in moderation and take breaks as needed throughout the night.