7 sex positions you haven’t tried yet

If you want to try a great new sex position, make sure it's actually new. For many of us, "mixing up" in the bedroom means a change from the old position. Maybe a new angle or a twist on an old favorite on Game of Thrones. Don't get me wrong, that could be great. But if you try something new and different, you'll find there's a better way to truly connect you. Because first of all, sometimes you need to get out of the rut. Trying something new that actually requires a little thought rather than going on autopilot is the best way to do it.

Secondly, because when you do something together as a team, you feel closer and like you accomplished something together. Even if that thing is watching your partner fall out of a really difficult sex position and hit their head. You may love an old favorite, but something you haven't tried is sometimes just what the doctor ordered. At least, in my dreams, doctors always prescribe all sexual positions.

But if you've had sex a lot, you may need to rack your brain to come up with a position you haven't done yet (which is actually achievable). So here are seven locations you haven't tried yet because they're worth it. Keep in mind that these posts apply to two women as well.

1. Crab walks with legs raised

What to do: This may sound ridiculous, but hear me out. Remember the crab walks in school? You both assumed the position and you shuffled over to them, slowly lowering yourself into your position. Bump slowly and smile, and you can move your legs over his shoulders if you feel hunched over - if you feel very hunched, I should say. Otherwise, traditional will suit what you just found.

Why you should try it: It's fun and different, and it also offers a very close, focused grind, so it's a great way to slow down and take a break. Once you complete it you will feel very proud.

2. Sitting back bend

How to do it: Start in missionary position, with your partner holding your hands or shoulders to help you, and they sit up as you lower your back until you're lying on their lap. You can rest on your elbows if your backbend is too deep, and you can always place a pillow under your back if you need some extra support.

Why you should try it: Talk about depth. You can lie down and enjoy a really deep penetration while they have a great view and can play with your breasts or your clitoris - or why not both?

3. Three-legged dog

How to do it: First, focus. You will need it. Standing facing each other, move one leg over your hip while bringing them as close to and into you as possible. Using lube or standing on something to balance your height can help.

Why you should try it: Because you've already tried standing, but let's try standing on three legs. You can do it – all you need is teamwork.

4. Recline

How to do it: It's easy. One of you is lying back while the other is straddling your face. Use your fingers, hands, toys, pull your partner closer or let them manage the pressure - there are many ways to try.

Why you should try it: Because it's similar to the 69, but better — the 69 can be distracting and feel less than the sum of its parts. It's extra sexy to really focus on one of you, and you can always take turns.

5. Lotus

How to do it: Your partner sits cross-legged while you lower yourself onto them and wrap your arms and legs around your partner. The penetration is deep, so a lot of grinding and slow movements are required.

Why you should try it: Because it's so close and intimate. This is not a position that comes naturally from another position, so you need to stop and take the time to try it out. But you'll be able to communicate, whisper, kiss or talk dirty - and it'll be well worth it.

6. Face to face

How to do it: Lie face to face with your pelvis slightly higher than their pelvis. When your partner is close to you, you wrap one leg around them. It will be tight, so don't be discouraged if it's hard to find at first - turn on the lube and move slowly and you'll get there.

Why you should try it: This is another intimate, intimate, and deep position—but in this one , you both lie down . This is basically the perfect sex position for a lazy Sunday, it just takes a little getting used to. Give it a try.

7. Stand

How to do it: Spread your legs slightly apart (sometimes standing up if you need to balance your height) so they can enter you from behind. Let them push in slowly and deeply—you don't need to tip over—and then you'll lean in and enjoy the process.

Why you should try it: Because if you've done it standing up, you might as well try the most advanced variation. You'll feel like a standing yoga flexibility goddess, while your partner will get a raunchy pose with a great view. Win-win.

Photo: Caroline Wurtzel/Bustle