The 10 best things about the Weasley twins

I grew up reading the Harry Potter series and I distinctly remember my delight every time Fred and George turned the page. When I first read The Philosopher's Stone , their joke about giving Ginny a Hogwarts toilet seat made me laugh until I cried (of course, I was only seven or eight at the time, and the thought that this might have been something I'd heard The funniest thing ever). But the twins are more than just comedic relief, though their pranks and jokes always provide a welcome break from some of the series' darker moments. While Hermione will always have a special place in my heart (as a know-it-all youngster, I was convinced I was her), when my family joked that we were the Weasleys, I always claimed to play Fred and George's character (whether my family agrees with that description or not).

First of all, I won't mention anything sad about these two as this is just a space to talk about the good times. That's what Fred and George are all about - they know what's important, but they also know how to laugh, even on the darkest of days. Speaking of the Weasley twins, I think they are two of the best HP characters ever created. Here’s why.

they are super smart

Even though Fred and George spend a lot of time playing pranks, we know they'd actually get good results no matter what - Ron confirmed this in the first book - and they'd have to be really smart to start their own career and invent all of Weasley's wizarding tricks.

they are not selfish

The twins initially steal the Marauder's Map from Filch's office, but soon discover that it is more than just an ordinary map. But instead of keeping this awesome treasure for themselves forever, they gave it to Harry. Sure, they had a lot of passages memorized, but the Marauder's Map had so many cool features (you could use it to spy on people, for example) that the twins gave up on that because they wanted to help their friends.

They rely on talent, not material

Fred and George were great beaters on the Quidditch team, even though they rode a broom fiver (not exactly the prettiest broomsticks). They rely on their talents and intelligence to succeed in Quidditch and in life. They also realize that magic is not the only way to achieve success: for example, they learn some "Muggle" tricks, such as lock picking, to help them get out of difficult situations in life.

they value family

Sure, Fred and George teased their family members a lot, but at the heart of the teasing were emotions they truly cared about . When they teased Ginny, it was to cheer her up. When they tease Percy, it's usually to get him to spend more time with them (such as when they tell him Christmas is for family and force him to wear a Weasley sweater). At the heart of all these jokes is...their hearts.

They are super loyal

Fred and George never doubted Harry for a second and even made fun of those who thought he was the heir of Slytherin. They stole the flying car, helped save him from the Dursleys, and overall, their pranks were more helpful than hurt.

They threw snowballs in Voldemort's face

Remember when the twins enchanted snowballs to bounce off Quirrell's turban? Yes, they threw snowballs in Voldemort's face.

They boldly express their feelings

Twins don't shy away from going after what they want. Fred invites Angelina to the Yule Ball with ease, and the twins pursue their dreams again and again without caring what others think of them. They don't make decisions based on what others think of them, instead they focus their energy on boldly pursuing their goals.

they have cool jobs

Own a wizard joke shop? That was a really cool job. Also, Fred and George don't forget who gave them the loan to go there...they let Harry take whatever he wanted from the store for free because they were honest businessmen.

They use humor well

Fred and George didn't just tell jokes for the sake of telling them. Often, their humor - like great comedy - has a purpose. Whether they were simply cheering someone on or hosting a humorous radio show to educate people about what was happening during the war, they used comedy as a tool to communicate and educate.

Fireworks scene

The scene where the Weasley twins leave Hogwarts is undoubtedly one of the most iconic scenes of all time: they set off a ton of fireworks and then fly away on their broomsticks, leaving a trail of mischief behind for Umbridge to clean up. . brilliant.

Image: Warner Bros.(10)