How Cancer Season 2022 Will Impact Every Zodiac Sign

Summer is just around the corner for hot celebrity babes, which means Cancer season 2022 is just around the corner. In tropical astrology, the Northern Hemisphere's summer solstice date also marks the Sun's entry into Cancer, which this year ends on June 21st. During the sunny season, we'll also feel a shift in the astrological vibe, as Cancer's sweet and sensitive energy takes over the cosmos throughout July 22nd. As always, Cancer season brings emotional depth, warm connections, and lots of feelings, so you're wondering how Cancer season 2022 will affect your sign.

Cancer, the primary water sign of the zodiac, is caring, compassionate, and very sensitive. As the Sun sets in this watery realm, all signs will be more inspired to get in touch with their roots, nourish themselves and those around them, and embrace their softer sides. Because Cancer energy is so emotion-centered, Crab season is likely to get us emotionally involved, making us more susceptible to changing moods—in other words, we have Lana Dell born under the sign of Cancer Rey repeated. Overall, it's a great time to connect with family and old friends, revel in sentimental memories of summers past, and transform your home into a cozy summer sanctuary where you can host social gatherings or just enjoy your Give your heart some breathing room.

One week into Cancer season, on June 28, our emotional energy will be at its peak due to the June 2022 New Moon, during which the Sun and Moon (Cancer’s rulers) will be in Cancer’s sensual waters Center alignment. This is the perfect time to check in with how you're feeling and set some summer intentions. Mercury, the planet of communication, will enter Cancer on July 5, which may heighten our sensitivity, but also promote more meaningful heart-to-heart connections. During the final week of Cancer season, July 17, romantic Venus will also enter Cancer along with the Sun and Mercury, amplifying the season's emotion-focused energy and making us more sentimental about love and relationships.

The fun-filled vibes of summer can help us get out of our shell, but Cancer season reminds us that it's okay to ease into the sunny months with tenderness and care. Read on for your 2022 Cancer Season Horoscope.

If your zodiac sign is Aries (March 21-April 19)

Margaret Flatley/Buster

As a fire sign, warm weather will ignite your fun-loving spirit, Aries—but during Cancer season, you might actually want to spend some time nesting. Focus on making your living space comfortable, turning it into a place where you can host summer gatherings and recharge your batteries. Connecting with your closest friends and family or planning some chilly nights will help you ease into summer and stay connected to your heart.

If your zodiac sign is Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Margaret Flatley/Buster

It may be crab season, but you're ready to come out of your shell this month, Taurus! You'll feel social, energized, and ready to fully connect with the world around you—so allow yourself to enjoy the hustle and bustle of this busy time. Conversations are easier now and your calendar is filled with tons of exciting summer plans, so use this energy to reconnect with friends or take a fun day trip to celebrate the longer and warmer days.

If your zodiac sign is Gemini (May 21st - June 20th)

Margaret Flatley/Buster

Your birthday season may be over, Gemini, but that doesn't mean you won't have a lot of fun in your life over the next month. Now your senses are infused - enjoy the warmth of the sun on your skin, the sweetness of ripe summer fruits, and the magic of the new season's vibration in the air. While now is a great time to indulge, be sure to keep an eye on your bank account and stick to your budget to avoid going overboard on extravagance.

If your zodiac sign is Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Margaret Flatley/Buster

It’s birthday season for you, Cancer baby! The sun's spotlight will be on you all month, so come out of your crab shell and allow yourself to enjoy being the center of attention. Your care and compassion for others are among your most admirable qualities, but this month is an excellent time to focus your energy on your own needs, desires, and goals. Put yourself first and prioritize what you want to accomplish this summer. You deserve this time to shine.

If your zodiac sign is Leo (July 23-August 22)

Margaret Flatley/Buster

Leo, summer is definitely your season. However, over the next month, it's best to take your time and ease yourself into the second half of the year. Instead of making silly plans for yourself, allow yourself time to rest, relax, and recharge your batteries with lots of self-care and downtime. Getting in touch with your introspective side will ensure you're fully prepared to enjoy the upcoming birthday season. Take a break from the grind and go with the flow.

If your zodiac sign is Virgo (August 23-September 22)

Margaret Flatley/Buster

It’s officially summer, Virgo—so get out there, make some new connections, and start having a great time with your crew! You'll be feeling especially collaborative and communal this month, so this is a great time to tackle group projects at work, get more involved in the community, or just maximize your social life where you can meet more like-minded people. people. Treat yourself to some summer fun by RSVPing to some event invitations from friends.

If your zodiac sign is Libra (September 23rd - October 22nd)

Margaret Flatley/Buster

The sun is shining outside, Libra, but your focus this month may be your career. You may find that new opportunities are opening up at work and you're attracting the attention of your superiors - so bring out your good-natured charm, highlight your social graces and demonstrate your strong sense of diplomacy. Making a professional power move doesn't require any aggression, so be caring and compassionate when making decisions and watch how things unfold.

If your zodiac sign is Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

Margaret Flatley/Buster

Cancer season is heightening your thirst for adventure now, Scorpio, so make some exciting and mind-expanding plans for summer. Booking a faraway vacation, exploring a topic of interest you've never encountered before, or even considering further education are all great ways to satisfy your thirst for new wisdom and experiences. Now is the time to expand your horizons and push the limits of your personal comfort zone. Taking risks definitely pays off.

If your zodiac sign is Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

Margaret Flatley/Buster

Cancer season is an emotional time for everyone, but Sagittarius, you're sure to be deeply emotional this month. You're feeling more introspective than usual, and may find yourself engrossed in the dynamics of your close relationships. Hopes, fears, and secrets may surface now, requiring you to confront yourself and those closest to you. Don't be afraid to confront these things head-on and clear up misunderstandings - you'll feel much more relaxed once you do.

If your zodiac sign is Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

Margaret Flatley/Buster

Cancer season is turning your attention to your closest relationships, Capricorn, so get ready for a little summer love. This is an important time to embrace your softer side and be more open to your emotions in one-on-one partnerships, so make an effort to let your guard down and let your true colors shine through. A little vulnerability and sensitivity can go a long way in building intimacy and care with others—whether it's a romantic partner, a best friend, or even a professional—so be compassionate.

If your zodiac sign is Aquarius (January 20-February 18)

Margaret Flatley/Buster

It's officially time for summer fun, Aquarius, so the next month is a good time to check in on your work-life balance and make sure you have enough time to meet all your needs. You can't burn the candle at both ends, so adjust your schedule so that you can meet your responsibilities while leaving plenty of room for wellness and self-care. Be more open to receiving help and care from others and prioritize nourishing yourself. you deserved.

If your zodiac sign is Pisces (February 19-March 20)

Margaret Flatley/Buster

Summer love, anyone? Pisces, Cancer this month lights up your romantic life, bringing with it all kinds of new opportunities for dating, creativity, and joy. If you're in a relationship, now is a great time to bring some heartfelt depth and honeymoon magic to your relationship. If you're single, arrange some hot dates and flirt and have some summer fling fun. Inspiration, love and good times are everywhere.