These 3 zodiac signs will lend money to friends

It's one thing to lend a friend five bucks when they forget their wallet, but certain zodiac signs also fare better when it comes to borrowing larger amounts. These are the friends who will meet you for dinner and save you when you are in financial trouble.

According to astrologer Stina Garbis, certain signs are generous by nature and equally eager to help. Some signs are notorious for keeping a tight rein on their money, but others freely lend their cash to anyone who may need it, especially their close friends.

Garbis says some zodiac signs find it easy to be generous because they are truly wealthy. Certain zodiac signs put their finances at the forefront of their lives, which often means having a lot of extra cash in their savings accounts. They invest - quite literally - in building this stability for themselves, which means they're in a great place to start helping others.

Meanwhile, other zodiac signs may not have much money in the bank, but they will still find ways to lend money to friends. They'll open their wallets and pull out their last crumpled $20 bill, fully trusting that you'll pay them back. They want to support their best friend, and they do it all without asking questions to avoid straining your relationship.

According to astrologers, here are three zodiac signs who always borrow money from their friends.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

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It's almost a rule of astrology that Taurus has extra money. They are very savvy so they know how to save and invest. Garbis said that, frankly, a lot of people end up being super rich.

As the sign of Venus, which rules love and luxury, Taurus is sure to spend a lot of money on themselves, especially when it comes to food, clothing, and decorations. They also have a kind heart, which means they are willing to help others.

According to Garbis, this earth sign will lend money to friends, usually no questions asked. "They don't need to hear your story and you definitely don't need to beg," she said. "If they know you're struggling, they can help anonymously."

They also won't hesitate to send large checks. "This sign can lend you a life-changing amount of money, like thousands of dollars, so you can start a business, or buy a car, or help you pay a deposit for a place to live," Garbis said. Although you do have to Pay them back.

Leo (July 23-August 22)

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"Leo sun rulers are probably one of the most generous signs," Garbis says. They'll happily give you ten bucks at the bar or buy you a meal, and they'll lend you more money if needed. .

As a fire sign who likes to go on the offensive, Leo will always strive to excel. They are known to borrow large sums of money from family members, partners and close friends. If they have extra cash, they'll happily pay it.

Not only does knowing they saved the world bolster their sense of self, but they also have a genuine desire to make sure everyone around them is happy. They can't stand to see anyone in trouble, especially when they are in a position to help.

In other words, Leo wants some recognition for their good deeds. While they may be temporarily helpful on the DL - like when they catch you drinking in front of a large group of friends - they'll appreciate a private pat on the back. As Gabes says, "If Leo lends you money, it's best to go ahead and send some thank you texts."

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

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A Sagittarius may have two dollars to their name, but according to Garbis, they'll still find a way to send money to a friend. Before you even ask, they have their phone out ready to send a Venmo.

This fire sign has a unique relationship with money, which makes them very generous. “They think money is not for saving but for circulation,” she said. "They think if you have enough cash it will always come back to you and you will always have what you need."

This may have something to do with their ruler Jupiter, which represents expansion, abundance, luck and generosity. While they are quick to borrow money, they are also happy to help their friends in other ways. If a Sagittarius doesn't have a lot of money in their checking account, they'll be on the lookout for random acts of kindness to show support.


Stina Garbis, astrologer