How to Deal with February’s Destructive New Moon in Aquarius

New year, new you? If you haven't been feeling this winter's fresh energy, February's new moon is your chance to reinvent yourself. The Moon will arrive on February 9, 2024 at 5:59 PM ET (2:59 PM ET) and will meet the Sun in visionary Aquarius, encouraging you to think big as you achieve your goals for 2024 and beyond.

Of course, a new moon brings new beginnings, but with a tight square to changemaker Uranus, the ruler of Aquarius, astrologer Erin Rivers said Sunday you should expect plenty of surprising twists and turns.

"Fortunately, it's also sextile to the North Node, which means that whatever new and perhaps surprising events occur are meant to be the unfolding of our ultimate destiny as a collective," she says.

Make the most of the energy of your air sign by following a few astrologer-approved dos and don'ts.

DO: Speak your mind

Aquarians are aggressive and unapologetic, and this new moon will bring some of their confidence to you. Speak out what you believe in, whether it's organizational change in the workplace or making the first move with someone you like.

"This new moon is filled with airy energy that encourages us to think logically and communicate clearly," Sunday said.

Additionally, Mercury, the planet of communication and ideas, will be squaring Jupiter and Venus, making it even more important to stand your ground and speak up when necessary.

Don’t: forget to listen

With chatty Mercury squaring Jupiter, "there may be some 'foot in the mouth' syndrome," Sunday said. Approach conversations with thoughtful sensitivity. Listen to people; avoid interrupting them mid-sentence.

Do: Connect with others

Since Aquarius is associated with your eleventh house of community, this new moon will light up your social life. Thanks to Venus' trine to Uranus on Sunday, your inner circle will provide support as you achieve your goals. This new moon is perfect for spending quality time with your closest friends or family.

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DON’T: Isolate yourself

Although Aquarius is associated with community, it is also the most distant air sign. During February's new moon, try not to fall into loneliness.

"Even if you're an introvert, [this new moon] encourages connection," Sunday said. Do yourself a favor by FaceTimeing a distant friend or hosting a party.

Do: Embrace the unknown

Change is inevitable under the new moon, but with Aquarius as your ruler, these new beginnings can be shocking. "Uranus, the central planet of this new moon, craves freedom and pushing limits," Sunday said.

The planet is known to unleash unexpected havoc—think explosive arguments and abrupt endings. Don't despair. These transformations create space for possibility. “It’s important to be willing to try new things,” Sunday said.

Don’t: Be stubborn

Don't let the free-spirited nature of Aquarius fool you. As a Fixed sign, they don't waver when they have a point of view to express. Sometimes it's good to stand your ground, but don't stand still. "While Aquarius energy knows how to disrupt the status quo, it's possible to get stuck in [your] way," Sunday said.

Remember that new information can change your perspective, and ideas can always evolve.

Do: Make a wish!

Aquarius is a rebel with a goal: a bright and promising future! This is an ideal time to think about what blessings you want to attract into your life.

"Because Aquarius is associated with the Star [card] in the Tarot, this is a magical new moon to make wishes for the future," Sunday said. Get out your journal and express your biggest hopes for this year.


Erin R. Sunday, Astrologer